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Learn Clip Studio Paint Second Edition

Create impressive comics and Manga art in world-class graphics software
Liz Staley 지음
Packt(GCO Science)

2019년 03월 29일 출간

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ISBN 9781789345810
쪽수 438쪽
지원기기 교보eBook App, PC e서재, 리더기, 웹뷰어
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▶Book Description
Clip Studio Paint, previously known as Manga Studio, is used by over four million illustrators and comic creators around the world. The book will help you get started with this software, right from installation and understanding system requirements, all the way through to exporting your work for print or the web. You will learn how to create new documents and customize tools to fit your working style, before using ruler tools to make anything from straight lines to intricate backgrounds. In addition to this, you will gain insights into adding 3D elements, along with creating comic panels using the specialized panel tools. In the next few chapters, you'll focus on implementing text and word balloons and creating sound effects to make your comics more interactive. The book will even help you to use screentones and materials. Toward the concluding chapters, you'll pick up on how to easily flat and color your comics using reference layers, and bring your drawings to life with animation features.

By the end of this book, you will have the skills you need to navigate the Clip Studio Interface and program preferences, customize various tools, and create your own black and white or color illustrations and comics from start to finish.

▶What You Will Learn
? Understand the differences between Clip Studio Paint Pro and EX
? Discover how to navigate and customize the user interface
? Create custom tools that fit your unique style of illustration
? Use ruler tools to create intricate perspective shots and complex symmetry
? Learn how to create lettering and word balloons to bring your comic stories to life
? Explore the process of digital art creation, from pencils to inks and even color
? Learn to use 3D elements in your work
? Get to grips with the animation tools available in Clip Studio Paint

▶Key Features
? Overcome 'interface overwhelm' with a practical breakdown of the Clip Studio Interface
? Explore Clip Studio Paint, its tools and the various concepts for designing comics
? Streamline your workflow and increase your efficiency using Clip Studio's features

▶Who This Book Is For
If you are just starting out as a digital artist or are switching to Clip Studio from a different graphics software package, this book is for you. Those with no knowledge of digital art or intermediate-level users looking to explore the unique features of Clip Studio Paint will also find this book useful.
1 Installing Clip Studio Paint, Recommended Systems, and Interface Basics
2 Preferences, Shortcuts, and Other Commands
3 Clip Studio Paint Brushes: an Introduction
4 Pencilling: Layer Properties
5 Erasers, Selections, and the Subview Palette
6 All About Rulers
7 Using 3D Figures and Objects
8 Vector Layers and the Material Palette
9 Using Text and Balloon Tools
10 Creating Sound Effects
11 Making Layer Masks and Screentones
12 Making Comic Panels
13 Auto Actions and Your Workflow
14 Inking Tools
15 Inking Special Effects
16 Color Palettes
17 Using CSP to Color Your Comics
18 Exporting and Printing Your Comic
19 What Is the Clip Studio App and Getting Animated

▶What this book covers
? Chapter 1, Installing Clip Studio Paint, Recommended Systems, and Interface Basics, covers purchasing and installing the software, system requirements for running the software, and a basic introduction to the interface.

? Chapter 2, Preferences, Shortcuts, and Other Commands, covers setting the software preferences, using command bar and keyboard shortcuts, making workspaces, and creating new files.

? Chapter 3, Clip Studio Paint Brushes: An Introduction, covers how to make digital marks, and introduces us to customizing the brush engine, tool properties, and saving and restoring brushes.

? Chapter 4, Pencilling: Layer Properties, covers the different properties of digital layers, layer menu options, and the Layer Palette icons.

? Chapter 5, Erasers, Selections, and the Subview Palette, will teach you about the various eraser tools, selection tools, and how to use the Subview palette.

? Chapter 6, All about Rulers, covers the myriad of ruler tools in Clip Studio Paint. We willcover the basic rulers, as well as symmetry rulers, focus and parallel line rulers, and how to use perspective rulers.

? Chapter 7, Using 3D Figures and Objects, teaches you how to use the 3D materials included with Clip Studio Paint. Placing characters, posing them, and customizing poses and characters are all topics covered in this chapter.

? Chapter 8, Vector Layers and the Materials Palette, covers how to create vector images, and also covers using the Materials Palette to add textures, patterns, and more to your images.

? Chapter 9, Using Text and Balloon Tools, will teach you how to navigate the world of text and its options. Creating word balloons is also covered.

? Chapter 10, Creating Sound Effects, covers creating specialized text, adding strokes and gradient to text, and how to use the Mesh Transformation to morph text into punchy sound effects.

? Chapter 11, Making Layer Masks and Screentones, covers the use and creation of Layer Masks, and also how to apply screentones to black and white by using selections and layer masks.

? Chapter 12, Making Comic Panels, teaches you how to use the comic panel creation tools to make professional looking comic panels. The benefits of making panels all on one layer or each on their own layer are examined.

? Chapter 13, Auto Actions and Your Workflow, covers the benefits of Auto Actions, how to use default actions, and how to record and playback custom actions.

? Chapter 14, Inking Tools, goes over the inking pens, brushes, and markers that come included in Clip Studio Paint. Some basics of inking are also covered.

? Chapter 15, Inking Special Effects, covers the creation of special effect brushes, textured brushes and brushes with patterns such as foliage.

? Chapter 16, Color Palettes, covers the color selection and mixing palettes such as the Color Wheel, Color Sets, Intermediate Color, Approximate Color, and Color History.

? Chapter 17, Using CSP to Color Your Comics, discusses the use of reference layers, how to create flats using bucket fill and Paint Unfilled Area tools, layer blending modes, and how to create colored line art.

? Chapter 18, Exporting and Printing Your Comic, covers how to use the print preview and print settings to create a physical copy of your comics and illustrations. Exporting your work in various formats for printing and for display on the web are also covered.

? Chapter 19, The Clip Studio App and Getting Animated, covers how to download new assets and materials using the Clip Studio App, and how to create animation timelines and cels to animate your drawings.

▶ Preface
Clip Studio Paint, once known as Manga Studio, is used by more than four million creators around the world. Illustrators and comic artists love this software for its specialized features for drawing comics and cartoons. You can create black and white or full-color comics and illustrations using just this software, a computer, and a graphics tablet. As of the time of this writing, Clip Studio Paint has been the top seller for three years for graphics software in Japan, and this software is growing in popularity all over the world, too!

Whether you're an illustrator, a comic artist, or even an animator, Clip Studio Paint has features that will improve your workflow and make your journey into the digital art realm easier and faster.


저자(글) Liz Staley

Liz Staley is a writer and digital artist with nearly ten years experience creating independent comics. Learn Clip Studio Paint is her third book with Packt Publishing. She has also written Mastering Manga Studio 5 and The Manga Studio EX5 Cookbook. Teaching other artists about the benefits of Clip Studio Paint is one of her true passions.Originally from Baltimore, Maryland, Liz currently lives in Waynesboro, Pennsylvania with her husband and her horse.

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    Learn Clip Studio Paint Second Edition
    Create impressive comics and Manga art in world-class graphics software
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