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Java EE 8 Design Patterns and Best Practices

Build enterprise-ready scalable applications with architectural design patterns
Packt(GCO Science)

2018년 10월 08일 출간

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ISBN 9781788837736
쪽수 304쪽
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▶What this book covers
? Chapter 1, Introduction to Design Patterns, introduces design patterns, looking at the reasons to use them, how they differ from enterprise patterns, and how they behave in the real world.

? Chapter 2, Presentation Patterns, covers each pattern by explaining the concept and showing examples of implementations. After reading this chapter, we will know about these patterns and will be able to implement them with best practices using Java EE 8.

? Chapter 3, Business Patterns, explores definitions of the business delegate pattern, the session facade pattern, and the business object pattern. Here, we will focus on reasons to use these design patterns, the common approach to each of them, their interaction with some other patterns, their evolution, and how they behave in the real world. We will also demonstrate some examples of these patterns' implementations.

? Chapter 4, Integration Patterns, explains some integration patterns and looks at how they work on the integration tier of Java EE. After reading this chapter, you will be able to implement these patterns and use them to solve problems. You will also be able to work on the integration tier, as well as becoming familiar with the concepts associated with integration patterns.

? Chapter 5, Aspect-Oriented Programming and Design Patterns, looks at the concept of aspectoriented programming (AOP), focusing on which situations AOP should be used in, as well
as how to achieve AOP with the use of CDI interceptors and decorators. Finally, we will also address some examples of implementations. By the end of this chapter, you will be able to identify a situation that requires aspect-oriented programming with the use of interceptors and decorators. Furthermore, you will also be able to identify the best approach to implementing these concepts.

? Chapter 6, Reactive Patterns, focuses on reactive patterns, concepts, and implementations, and how they can help us implement a better application. We will also cover reactive programming concepts, focusing on how they can aid application development. After reading this chapter, you will be able to use reactive patterns using Java EE 8 best practices.

? Chapter 7, Microservice Patterns, showcases microservice patterns. We will also compare these with the monolithic pattern, looking at what the advantages and drawbacks of a microservices-based application, are as well as focusing on when to use microservices. Furthermore, we will demonstrate how to switch from a traditional monolithic application to a microservice application, while using implementation examples throughout. We will then look at the design patterns used to compose microservices. After reading this chapter, you will be able to identify the parts of an application's code that are eligible to be microservices, and you will also know how to implement a microservice pattern-based application using Java EE8.

? Chapter 8, Cloud-Native Application Patterns, outlines cloud-native application pattern concepts. What a cloud-native application is and what goals can be achieved with a cloudnative application will be covered, and we will look at both patterns already described in the previous chapters and new patterns that have emerged to address cloud-based applications. After reading this chapter, the reader will be able to understand the concepts and patterns that characterize cloud architecture.

? Chapter 9, Security Patterns, discusses secur

▶ Preface
Over time, the world of enterprise has invested more and more in technologies and applications that optimize processes and help businesses increase their profits and improve services or products. The enterprise environment has challenges that need to be faced to implement good solutions, such as the high availability of services, the capacity to change when needed, the capacity to scale services, and the capacity to process a large amount of data. With this, new applications have been created to optimize processes and increase profits. The Java language and Java EE are great tools for creating an application for the enterprise environment, because, Java language is multiplatform, open source, widely tested, and has a strong community and a strong ecosystem. Furthermore, the Java
language has Java EE, which is, an umbrella of specifications that permit us developer enterprise application without depending on vendors. The development of enterprise application has some well-known problems that occur over and over. These problems involve the integration of services, the high availability of applications, and resilience.

This book will explain the concepts of Java EE 8, what its tiers are, and how to develop enterprise applications using Java EE 8 best practices. Furthermore, this book will demonstrate how we can use design patterns and enterprise patterns with Java EE 8, and how we can optimize our solutions using aspect-oriented programming, reactive programming, and microservices with Java EE 8. Throughout this book, we learn about integration patterns, reactive patterns, security patterns, deployment patterns, and operational patterns. At the end of this book, we will have an overview of MicroProfile and how it can help us develop applications using microservices architecture.


저자(글) Rhuan Rocha

Rhuan Rocha is from Brazil and has experience with development using the Java language and Java EE. Currently, he works as senior Middleware consultant in a partnership between Red Hat and F?bricaDS, and he applies Red Hat solutions using Red Hat Middlewares. Furthermore, he has 8 years, experience with Java development and Java EE development, developing enterprise applications and government applications.

Jo?o Purifica??o is an electronic engineer from Brazil with a master's in systems engineering. He started working with software development as a C and C ++ programmer. He has worked on the analysis, development, and architecture of Java-based enterprise applications. As a Java/JavaEE consultant, he has participated in the development and architecture of applications for private and government companies. He currently works as a senior architect at Resource IT, a company based in S?o Paulo.

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    Java EE 8 Design Patterns and Best Practices
    Build enterprise-ready scalable applications with architectural design patterns
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