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OpenStack Cloud Computing Cookbook 4E

Packt(GCO Science)

2018년 01월 29일 출간

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ISBN 9781788399333
쪽수 398쪽
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▶What this book covers
- Chapter 1, Installing OpenStack with Ansible, walks you through a practical installation of OpenStack using OpenStack-Ansible.
- Chapter 2, The OpenStack Client, shows you how to install the tools needed to operate OpenStack, as well as providing a quick reference to commonly used commands.
- Chapter 3, Keystone ?- OpenStack Identity Service, explains how to use Keystone to configure and maintain services and projects within OpenStack.
- Chapter 4, Neutron ?- OpenStack Networking, covers the introduction and use of the softwaredefined networking service and its plugins.
- Chapter 5, Nova ?- OpenStack Compute, works through a number of examples of running and operating virtual machine instances to run your applications.
- Chapter 6, Glance ?- OpenStack Image Service, explores the use of the machine images that are used to spawn instances.
- Chapter 7, Cinder ?- OpenStack Block Storage, presents how to work with block storage volumes to attach to your instances.
- Chapter 8, Swift ?- OpenStack Object Storage, depicts how to use the highly available and redundant object storage service.
- Chapter 9, OpenStack Orchestration Using Heat and Ansible, discusses how to begin orchestrating your workloads within OpenStack using both Heat and Ansible.
- Chapter 10, Using OpenStack Dashboard, shows you how to navigate the Horizon
user-interface dashboard.

▶Editorial Review
OpenStack is the open source software for building public and private clouds, and privately hosted software-defined infrastructure services. It is a global open source success and is developed and supported by thousands of people around the globe and backed by leading players in the cloud space today. This book is specifically designed to quickly help you get up to speed with OpenStack and give you the confidence and understanding to roll it out into your own datacenters. This book covers an installation of OpenStack using Ansible, into your datacenters, in addition to providing steps for running under so that you can quickly gain the knowledge needed to install and operate OpenStack today. This book has been written by
four principal level OpenStack engineers and architects from Rackspace, and it covers a wide range of topics that help you install and configure your OpenStack environments. This book will guide you in the following things:

- How to install and configure all of the core components of OpenStack using OpenStack-Ansible
- How to master the complete private cloud stack, from scaling out compute resources to managing object storage services for highly redundant, highly available storage
- Examples of using Heat and Ansible to orchestrate workloads running on OpenStack
- Practical, real-world examples of each service built upon in each chapter, allowing you to progress with the confidence that they will work in your own environments

This book gives you clear, step-by-step instructions to install and run your own private cloud successfully. It is full of practical and applicable recipes that enable you to use the latest capabilities of OpenStack and implement them.


저자(글) Kevin Jackson

Kevin Jackson is married and has three children. He is an IT professional with over 20 years of experience, working with businesses and enterprises of all sizes at Rackspace, as an OpenStack and private cloud specialist. Kevin has been working with OpenStack since the fist release, and he has extensive experience of various flavors of Linux, Unix, and hosting environments. Kevin authored the fist edition of this book, and coauthored the second and third editions. Kevin also coauthored OpenStack Architecture Design Guide, OpenStack Foundation, during a 5-day book sprint in California. He also regularly speaks at OpenStack community events.

저자(글) Cody Bunch

Cody Bunch is a principal architect in the Rackspace Private Cloud group, based out of San Antonio, Texas. Cody has been working with OpenStack since early 2012, coauthored the second edition of this book, and also coauthored OpenStack Security Guide, OpenStack Foundation. Cody has extensive experience with virtualized and cloud environments in variously sized enterprises and hosting environments.

저자(글) Egle Sigler

Egle Sigler is an OpenStack Foundation board member and a principal architect in the Rackspace Private Cloud group, based out of San Antonio, Texas. Egle holds an MS degree in computer science. She started her career as a software developer and still has a soft spot for all the people who write, test, and deploy code, since she has had the chance to do all of these tasks throughout her career. Egle dreams about a day when writing, testing, and deploying code will be a seamless and easy process―bug and frustration free for all. Egle believes that knowledge should be shared and has tried to do this by writing this book, giving talks and workshops at conferences, and blogging.

저자(글) James Denton

James Denton is a principal architect at Rackspace with over 15 years of experience in systems administration and networking. He has a bachelor’s degree in Business Management with a focus in Computer Information Systems from Texas State University in San Marcos, Texas. He is currently focused on OpenStack operations and support within the Rackspace Private Cloud team. James is the author of the Learning OpenStack Networking (Neutron), first and second editions, as well as OpenStack Networking Essentials both by Packt Publishing.

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