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Learning Ceph 2E

Unifed, scalable, and reliable open source storage solution
Packt(GCO Science)

2017년 10월 13일 출간

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ISBN 9781787122918
쪽수 334쪽
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이 상품이 속한 분야

Learning Ceph, Second Edition will give you all the skills you need to plan, deploy, and effectively manage your Ceph cluster. You will begin with the first module, where you will be introduced to Ceph use cases, its architecture, and core projects. In the next module, you will learn to set up a test cluster, using Ceph clusters and hardware selection. After you have learned to use Ceph clusters, the next module will teach you how to monitor cluster health, improve performance, and troubleshoot any issues that arise. In the last module, you will learn to integrate Ceph with other tools such as OpenStack, Glance, Manila, Swift, and Cinder.

By the end of the book you will have learned to use Ceph effectively for your data storage requirements.

▶What this book covers
? Chapter 1, Introducing Ceph Storage, here we explore Ceph’s role as storage needs evolve and embrace cloud computing. Also covered are Ceph’s release cycle and history including changes since the first edition of Learning Ceph .
? Chapter 2, Ceph Components and Services, a tour through Ceph’s major components and the services they implement. Examples of each service’s use cases are given.
? Chapter 3, Hardware and Network Selection, is a comprehensive journey through the maze of hardware choices that one faces when provisioning Ceph infrastructure. While Ceph is highly adaptable to diverse server components, prudent planning can help you optimize your choices for today and tomorrow.
? Chapter 4, Planning Your Deployment, is the software complement to Chapter 3, Hardware and Network Selection. We guide the reader through deployment and provisioning decisions for both Ceph and the underlying operating system.
? Chapter 5, Deploying a Virtual Sandbox Cluster, is an automated, fully functional Ceph deployment on virtual machines. This provides opportunities for hands-on experience within minutes.
? Chapter 6, Ceph Operations and Maintenance, is a deep and wide inventory of day to day operations. We cover management of Ceph topologies, services, and configuration settings as well as, maintenance and debugging.
? Chapter 7, Monitoring Ceph, a comprehensive collection of commands, practices, and dashboard software to help keep a close eye on the health of Ceph clusters.
? Chapter 8, Ceph Architecture: Under the Hood, deep-dives into the inner workings of Ceph with low-level architecture, processes, and data flow.
? Chapter 9, Storage Provisioning with Ceph, here we practice the client side of provisioning and managing each of Ceph’s major services.
? Chapter 10, Integrating Ceph with OpenStack, explores the components of the OpenStack cloud infrastructure platform and how they can exploit Ceph for resilient and scalable storage.
? Chapter 11, Performance and Stability Tuning, provides a collection of Ceph, networks, filesystems, and underlying operating system settings to optimize cluster performance and stability. Benchmarking of cluster performance is also explored.

▶Editorial Review
Learning Ceph, Second Edition will give you all the skills you need to plan, deploy, and effectively manage Ceph clusters. You will begin with an introduction to Ceph use cases and components, then progress through advice on selecting and planning servers and components. We then cover a number of important decisions to make before provisioning your servers and clusters and walk through hands-on deployment of a fully functional virtualized sandbox cluster. A wide range of common (and not so common) management tasks are explored. A discussion of monitoring is followed by a deep dive into the inner workings of Ceph, a selection of topics related to provisioning storage, and an overview of Ceph's role as an OpenStack storage solution. Rounding out our chapters is advice on benchmarking and tuning for performance and stability.
By the end of the book you will have learned to deploy and use Ceph effectively for your data storage requirements.


저자(글) Anthony D'Atri

Anthony D'Atri's career in system administration has spanned laptops to vector supercomputers. He has brought his passion for fleet management and the underlying server components to bear on a holistic yet, detailed approach to deployment and operations. Experience with architecture, operation, and troubleshooting of NetApp, ZFS, SVM, and other storage systems dovetailed neatly into Ceph. Three years with Ceph as a petabyte-scale object and block backend to multiple OpenStack clouds at Cisco, additionally built on Anthony's depth. Now helping deliver awesome storage to DigitalOcean's droplet customers, Anthony aims to help the growing community build success with Ceph..Anthony would like to thank everyone whose technical and professional support have contributed to his success with Ceph, including Cisco, Digital Ocean, Michael Kidd, Tupper Cole, James Donohoe, Louis Watta, Jade Lester, Narendra Trivedi, Weiguo Sun, Richard "Fuzzy" Miller, Damon Hsu-Hung, Satish Sangapu, Shweta Saraf, Swati Gaikwad, Yi Chen, Ryan Roemmich, Sebastian Sobolewski, Stan Ayzenberg, S?bastien Han, Adam Wolfe Gordon, Vaibhav Bhembre, William Lehman, and Dan van der Ster. Paramount thanks to his wife Suzanne for her support, patience, and support of his long hours.

저자(글) Vaibhav Bhembre

Vaibhav Bhembre is a systems programmer working currently as a Technical Lead for cloud storage products at DigitalOcean. Before joining DigitalOcean, Vaibhav wore multiple hats leading backend engineering and reliability engineering teams at Sailthru Inc. From helping scale dynamically generated campaign sends to be delivered to over tens of millions of users on time, to architecting a cloud-scale compute and storage platform, Vaibhav has years of experience writing software across all layers of the stack.Vaibhav holds a bachelor's degree in Computer Engineering from the University of Mumbai and a master's degree in Computer Science from the State University of New York in Buffalo. During his time in academia, Vaibhav co-published a novel graph algorithm that optimally computed closeness and betweeness in an incrementally updating social network. He also had the fortune of committing changes to a highly available distributed file-system built on top of iRODs data management framework as his master's project. This system, that was actively used across 10+ educational institutions live, was his foray into large-scale distributed storage and his transition into using Ceph professionally was only natural.Vaibhav is forever indebted to his parents Dileep and Vandana Bhembre for devoting incalculable amount of time and effort into making him who he is today. He cannot thank his beautiful wife, Harshita, enough for her constant support, encouragement and most of all, her incredible heart. Vaibhav wholeheartedly thanks all the individuals who have contributed directly or indirectly to his successful career, the list which includes but is not limited to, Prof. Rakesh Nagi, Prof. Murat Demirbas, Sushant Khopkar, Ian White, Moisey Uretsky, Joonas Bergius, and Anthony D'Atri.And finally, Vaibhav is deeply grateful to the Ceph community for designing and building a remarkable piece of software and forming a diverse and open community around it.

저자(글) Karan Singh

Karan Singh is a senior storage architect working with Red Hat and living with his charming wife Monika in Finland. In his current role, Karan is doing solution engineering on Ceph together with partners, customers and exploring new avenues for software defined storage.Karan devotes a part of his time in learning emerging technologies and enjoys the challenges that comes with it.. He also authored the first edition of Learning Ceph and Ceph Cookbook, Packt Publishing. You can reach him on Twitter @karansingh010.

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    Learning Ceph 2E
    Unifed, scalable, and reliable open source storage solution
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