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Learning Node.js Development

Learn the fundamentals of Node.js, and deploy and test Node.js applications on the web
Andrew Mead 지음
Packt(GCO Science)

2018년 01월 31일 출간

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eBook 상품 정보
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ISBN 9781788396349
쪽수 650쪽
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이 상품이 속한 분야

▶Book Description
Learning Node.js Development is a practical, project-based book that provides you with all you need to get started as a Node.js developer. Node is a ubiquitous technology on the modern web, and an essential part of any web developers' toolkit. If you are looking to create real-world Node applications, or you want to switch careers or launch a side project to generate some extra income, then you're in the right place. This book has been written around a single goal-turning you into a professional Node developer capable of developing, testing, and deploying real-world production applications.

Learning Node.js Development is built from the ground up around the latest version of Node.js (version 9.x.x). You'll be learning all the cutting-edge features available only in the latest software versions.
This book cuts through the mass of information available around Node and delivers the essential skills that you need to become a Node developer. It takes you through creating complete apps and understanding how to build, deploy, and test your own Node apps. It maps out everything in a comprehensive, easy-to-follow package designed to get you up and running quickly.

▶What You Will Learn
? Learn the fundamentals of Node
? Build apps that respond to user input
? Master working with servers
? Learn how to test and debug applications
? Deploy and update your apps in the real world
? Create responsive asynchronous web applications

▶Key Features
? Entirely project-based and practical.
? Explains the "Why" of Node.js features, not just the "how", providing you with a deep understanding and enabling you to easily apply concepts in your own applications.
? Covers the full range of technologies around Node.js - NPM, version control with Git, and much more.

▶Who This Book Is For
This book targets anyone looking to launch their own Node applications, switch careers, or freelance as a Node developer. You should have a basic understanding of JavaScript in order to follow this book.

▶What this book covers
? Chapter 1, Getting Set Up, talks about what Node is and why you want to use it. In this chapter, you'll learn Node installation and by the end of the chapter, you'll be able to run your first Node application.
? Chapter 2, Node Fundamentals - Part 1, talks about building Node applications. The Node Fundamentals topic has been divided into 3 parts. Part 1 of this topic includes module basics, requiring own files, and third-party NPM modules.
? Chapter 3, Node Fundamentals - Part 2, continues our discussion on some more Node fundamentals. This chapter explores yargs, JSON, the addNote function, and refactor, moving functionality into individual functions and testing the functionality.
? Chapter 4, Node Fundamentals - Part 3, includes things such as read and write from the file system. We'll look into advanced yargs configuration, debugging broken apps, and some new ES6 functions.
? Chapter 5, Basics of Asynchronous Programming in Node.js, covers basic concepts, terms, and technologies related to the async programming, making it super-practical and using it in our weather application.
? Chapter 6, Callbacks in Asynchronous Programming, is the second part of async programming in Node. We'll look into callbacks, HTTPS requests, and error handling inside of our callback functions. We'll also look into the forecast API and fetching real-time weather data
for our address.
? Chapter 7, Promises in Asynchronous Programming, is the third and last part of async programming in Node. This chapter focuses on Promises, how it works, why they are useful, and so on. At the end of this chapter, we'll use Promises in our weather app.
? Chapter 8, Web Servers in Node, talks about Node web servers and integrating version control into Node applications. We'll also introduce a framework called Express, one of the most important NPM libraries.
? Chapter 9, Deploying Applications to Web, talks about deploying the a


▶Editorial Review
Welcome to Learning Node.js Development. This book is packed with a ton of content, projects, challenges and real-world examples, all designed to teach you Node by doing. This means you'll be getting your hands dirty early on in the upcoming chapters writing some code, and you'll be writing code for every project. You will be writing every line of code that powers our applications. Now, we would require a text editor for this book. We have various text editor options that you can use. I always recommend using Atom, which you can find at atom.io. It's free, open-source, and it's available for all operating systems, namely Linux, macOS, and Windows. It's created by the folks behind GitHub.
All the projects in the book are fun to build and they were designed to teach you everything required to launch your own Node app, from planning to development and testing to deploying. Now, as you launch these different Node applications and move through the book, you will run into errors, which is bound to happen. Maybe something doesn't get installed as expected, or maybe you try to run an app and instead of getting the expected output, you get a really long obscure error message. Don't worry, I am there to help. I'll show you tips and tricks to get pass through those errors in the chapters. Let's go ahead and get to it.


저자(글) Andrew Mead

?Andrew MeadAndrew Mead is a full-stack developer living in beautiful Philadelphia! He launched his first Udemy course in 2014 and had a blast teaching and helping others. Since then, he has launched 3 courses with over 21,000 students and over 1,900 5-star reviews.Andrew currently teaches Node, Gulp, and React. Before he started teaching, he created a web app development company. He has helped companies of all sizes launch production web applications to their customers. He has had the honor of working with awesome companies such as Siemens, Mixergy, and Parkloco. He has a Computer Science degree from Temple University, and he has been programming for just over a decade. He loves creating, programming, launching, learning, teaching, and biking.

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    Learning Node.js Development
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