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Learn ECMAScript - Second Edition

Discover the latest ECMAScript features in order to write cleaner code and learn the fundamentals of JavaScript
Packt(GCO Science)

2018년 02월 26일 출간

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ISBN 9781788629621
쪽수 288쪽
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이 상품이 속한 분야

▶Book Description
Learn ECMAScript explores implementation of the latest ECMAScript features to add to your developer toolbox, helping you to progress to an advanced level. Learn to add 1 to a variable andsafely access shared memory data within multiple threads to avoid race conditions.
You'll start the book by building on your existing knowledge of JavaScript, covering performing arithmetic operations, using arrow functions and dealing with closures. Next, you will grasp the most commonly used ECMAScript skills such as reflection, proxies, and classes. Furthermore, you'll learn modularizing the JS code base, implementing JS on the web and how the modern HTML5 + JS APIs provide power to developers on the web. Finally, you will learn the deeper parts of the language, which include making JavaScript multithreaded with dedicated and shared web workers, memory management, shared memory, and atomics. It doesn't end here; this book is 100% compatible with ES.Next.
By the end of this book, you'll have fully mastered all the features of ECMAScript!

▶What You Will Learn
? Implement methods associated with objects as per the latest ECMAScript specification
? Make use of the latest features of ECMAScript
? Make use of many new APIs in HTML5 and modern JavaScript implementation
? Use SharedArrayBuffers for superfast concurrent and parallel programming
? Perform asynchronous programming with JavaScript
? Implement the best ways and practices to perform modular programming in JavaScript

▶Key Features
? Grasp the latest features of ECMAScript and the best way to use it in production code
? Learn newly added native APIs to JS Engine and perform tasks efficiently with a cleaner code base
? Understand the more complex sides of JavaScript such as the inheritance model, low-level memory management, multithreaded environments, and web workers

▶Who This Book Is For
This book is for anybody who is absolutely new to JavaScript and is willing to learn this technology. This book can also be used by people who are familiar with old JavaScript and want to level up their knowledge to the latest standard and use techniques. For more
advanced users, this book can be used to brush up concepts such as modularity, web workers, and shared memory.

▶What this book covers
? Chapter 1, Getting Started with ECMAScript, discusses what ECMAScript really is and why we call it ECMAScript and not JavaScript. It also discusses how to create variables, perform basic operations, and provides new ways to do those operations in ES8.
? Chapter 2, Knowing Your Library, demonstrates all the functions you need to know as a beginner and intermediate JavaScript developer to work smoothly on various kinds of projects. The functions taught in this chapter are universal and generic functions, which you'll be able to understand and apply anywhere they're necessary for your code.
? Chapter 3, Using Iterators, covers how to iterate over iteratable things in JavaScript the proper way. We discuss Symbol, a new native JavaScript type, what it is, and why we need it. We also discuss the tail call optimization technique, which is implemented by browsers
to speed up the code.
? Chapter 4, Asynchronous Programming, explores modern ways to implement asynchronous programming and compares it with the not-so-beautiful past approaches, which included callback hell. It'll teach you about implementing asynchronous programming in a
synchronous way.
? Chapter 5, Modular Programming, discusses modularizing your JavaScript code into different files so that it is easy to reuse and debug individual modules. We start with primitive and third-party solutions available earlier and then cover the native support
browsers are bringing to the world.
? Chapter 6, Implementing the Reflect API, demonstrates information about the Reflect API provided in JavaScript, which basically helps to manipulate the properties and methods of the objects.
? Chapter 7, Proxies, introduces a


▶Editorial Review
JavaScript is an integral part of web development and server-side programming.
Understanding the fundamentals of JavaScript can not only help a person create interactive web applications but also help set up web servers, create mobile applications through frameworks such as React Native, and even create desktop applications using frameworks such as electronJS.
This book introduces the fresh and core concepts of JavaScript in the form of ECMAScript 2017 (ES8), which includes everything you'll need to get started with JavaScript and have a basic-to-advanced understanding so that you can implement everything mentioned in the first paragraph.


저자(글) Mehul Mohan

? Mehul MohanMehul Mohan is an independent developer and a security researcher. Currently, he is pursuing his bachelor’s degree in computer science at BITS Pilani. He aims to provide free technical knowledge to all through his website “codedamn”. He loves reading about techy stuff and you’ll often find him creating programming tutorials on his YouTube channel, codedamn; he has over 50,000 subscribers on his YouTube channel. He has been acknowledged by companies such as Google, Microsoft, Sony, Envoy, InVision, and such for his contribution as a security researcher.

저자(글) Narayan Prusty

? Narayan PrustyNarayan Prusty is a full-stack developer with 5 years of experience. He specializes in Blockchain, Cloud, and JavaScript. His commitment has allowed him to build scalable products for start-ups, governments, and enterprises across India, Singapore, USA, and UAE. At present, Ethereum, Bitcoin, Hyperledger Fabric 1.0, IPFS, and Ripple are some of the things he uses on a regular basis to build decentralized applications. Currently, he works as a full-time full-stack and Blockchain Engineer at ConsenSys Enterprise. He starts working on something immediately if he feels it’s exciting and solves real work problems. He built a MP3 search engine at the age of 18 years and since then he has built various other applications, which are used by people around the globe. His ability to build scalable applications from top to bottom is what makes him special. Currently, he is on a mission to make things easier, faster, and cheaper using blockchain technology. Also, he is looking at possibilities to prevent corruptions and fraud and bring transparency to the world using blockchain technology.

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    Learn ECMAScript - Second Edition
    Discover the latest ECMAScript features in order to write cleaner code and learn the fundamentals of JavaScript
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