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Oxygen, the Answer for Cancer

윤태호 지음

2016년 11월 08일 출간

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ISBN 9791187089001
쪽수 376쪽
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이 상품이 속한 분야

To cure cancer, you need to understand the cause and the fundamental cure!
In Oxygen, the Answer for Cancer, Yun describes what cancer is, how it develops and how it is to be cured. Many people commonly think of stress, smoking, oxygen radicals, chemicals, radiation or heavy metals when it comes to the cause of cancer. But this book specifically relates these factors to the direct cause of cancer, which is oxygen deficiency. Also, he introduces some curing ways to cancer, which is to resolve oxygen deficiency by consuming anticancer food like green tea, garlic, and ginseng.
Yun also analyzes how everyday habits can cause or prevent cancer. He disproves commonly-mistaken theories of endless proliferation, inheritance, and spread of cancer cells with logic, experiments and examples. Not only that, he proves the danger of early discovery of cancer, and challenges the modern science with his idea that cancer cells can turn into normal cells. He proposes a new model of cancer cure that protects cancer cells, instead of killing them.

Foreword by the Author
Translator’'s Note

Chapter I. Modern Medicine Fails to Cure Cancer
1. Many Cancer Patients Are Dying
2. Improvement in National Cancer Cure Rate Is Statistically False
3. Cancer Experts Do Not Receive Anticancer Treatments

Chapter II. How Modern Medicine Failed
1. They Don’'t Know the Cause of Cancer
2. They Don’'t Look for the Cause

Chapter III. Revealing the Root Cause of Cancer
1. Revealing the Cause of Cancer with Logic
2. Cell Metabolism and Cancer
3. Verifying the hypothesis, “"Oxygen Deficiency Is the Cause of Cancer”"
4. Vulnerable Organs and Their Reasons
5. Oxygen Deficiency and the Response of the Body
6. State of Oxygen Deficiency and Stages of Cancer Development
7. Oxygen Deficiency Is the Cause of All Cancer

Chapter IV. Linked Factors to Cancer
1. Immunity and Cancer
2. Oxygen Radicals and Cancer

Chapter V. Specific Factors for Causing Cancer
1. Cancer-inducing Body System
2. Cancer-inducing Environmental Factors
3. Cancer-inducing Dietary Life
4. Cancer-inducing Psychological Factors
5. Other Factors
6. Lifestyle and Cancer Development

Chapter VI. Natural therapy: Healing and Preventing Cancer
1. Improve Oxygen Supply
2. Improve Oxygen Delivery
3. Improve Oxygen Absorption
4. Prevent Oxidation of Cells
5. Summary: Curing Cancer through Oxygen Supply

Chapter VII. Salt, the Best Anticancer Medicine
1. Salt, Water, and Health
2. Function of Salt
3. Salt, the Best Oxygen Deliverer
4. Salt Improves Immunity
5. Errors in Salt Analysis

Chapter VIII. Cancer Cure Through Immunity
1. Improving Immunity
2. Improving Immunity by Oxygen Supply
3. Improving Immunity by Nutritional Supply

Chapter IX. Modern Medical Science Needs to Accept Criticism
1. Confusing Medical Information About Cancer
2. It Is Impossible to Judge Without Logic
3. Developing Through Logical Debates and Logical Criticisms

Chapter X. Modern Medicine’'s Cancer Treatments and Their Effects
1. Surgery and Its Effects on the Body
2. Chemical Therapy and Its Effects on the Body
3. Radiation Therapy and Its Effects on the Body
4. Embolization and Its Effects on the Body
5. Cryotherapy and Its Effects on the Body
6. Immunotherapy Destroys Cancer Cells
7. Thermotherapy Has No Side Effects

Chapter XI. New Truth: Cancer Is Not a Deadly Disease
1. Cancer Patients Do Not Die of Cancer
2. You Never Die of Some Grams of Cancer
3. Cancer Can Cure Itself
4. Cancer Often Vanishes
Chapter XII. Correcting the Existing Norm about Cancer
1. Cancer Does Not Proliferates Endlessly
2. Cancer Is Not Inherited
3. Antioxidant Food Normalize Cancer Cells

Chapter XIII. Unfounded Theory of Cancer Spread Kills Patients
1. Its Significance
2. The Theory of Cancer Spread Is Not True
3. Anticancer Medication Is Not Good Even If Cancer Did Spread
4. Another Idea that Endangers Cancer Patients
5. Advanced Discovery of Cancer Is an Advanced Danger

Chapter XIV. How to Recognize the Signs of Cancer
1. Recognizing the Signs of Oxygen Deficiency
2. Recognizing the Signs of Weakened Immunity
3. Daily Checkpoints that Might Help You Avoid Cancer

About the Author
About the Translator


저자(글) 윤태호

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