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Handbook of Nanocellulose and Cellulose Nanocomposites, 2 Volume Set


2017년 03월 02일 출간

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ISBN 9783527689989
쪽수 920쪽
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An up-to-date and comprehensive overview summarizing recent achievements, the state of the art, and trends in research into nanocellulose and cellulose nanocomposites. Following an introduction, this ready references discusses the characterization as well surface modification of cellulose nanocomposites before going into details of the manufacturing and the self-assembly of such compounds. After a description of various alternatives, including thermoplastic, thermosetting, rubber, and fully green cellulose nanocomposites, the book continues with their mechanic and thermal properties, as well as crystallization and rheology behavior. A summary of spectroscopic and water sorption properties precedes a look at environmental health and safety of these nanocomposites. With its coverage of a wide variety of materials, important characterization tools and resulting applications, this is an essential reference for beginners as well as experienced researchers.
NANOCELLULOSE (CNF) AND CELLULOSE NANOCRYSTAL (CNC) EXTRACTION Introduction Source of Cellulose Extraction with Chemical Route Extraction with Mechanical Route Enzymatic Route Combination of Enzymatic Chemical and Mechanical Routes Other Techniques Effects of Preparation Conditions Concluding Remarks References CHARACTERIZATION OF NANOCELULLOSE (CNF) AND CELLULOSE NANOCRYSTAL (CNC) Introduction Microscopy Crystallinity Thermal Properties Contact Angle Spectroscopy Chromatography Solvatochromism Polarity Other Characterization Concluding Remarks References SURFACE MODIFICATION OF NANOCELLULOSE (CNF) AND CELLULOSE NANOCRYSTAL (CNC) AND THEIR CHARACTERIZATION Principle of Surface Modification Modification via Synthesis Physical Modification Chemical Modification Other Modification Techniques Concluding Remarks References MANUFACTURING PROCESS OF CNF AND CNC BASED NANOCOMPOSITES Introduction Solution Casting Melt Compounding Dissolution Electro-spinning Non-aqueous System Long Chain Grafting Polymer Latex Hydro Soluble or Hydro Dispersible Polymer Freeze Drying Concluding Remarks References SELF-ASSEMBLY OF CELLULOSE NANOSTRUCTURES Introduction Self-Assembly and -Organization of Cellulose Nanostructure Self-Assembly and -Organization of CNF and CNC in Aqueous Medium Self-Assembly and -Organization of CNF and CNC in Organic Medium Self-Assembly and -Organization of CNF and CNC under External Fields Self-Assembly and -Organization of CNF and CNC in Thin Solid Film Preparation Techniques Applications Concluding Remarks References THERMOPLASTIC CELLULOSE NANOCOMPOSITES Introduction Thermoplastic Based CNF Nanocomposites Thermoplastic Based CNC Nanocomposites Preparation Methods Characterization Applications Concluding Remar


Hanieh Kargarzadeh is a post-doctoral research fellow at the Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) in Selangor, Malaysia. She received her MSc in organic chemistry from Islamic Azad University of Gachsaran, Iran, in 2007 and completed her PhD at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, in 2013. Dr. Kargarzadeh has published a number of papers in high quality international journals and has been involved in a number of books as the author for different chapters. Her research interests lie in the area of nanocomposites, cellulose nanomaterials, and polymer blending. Ishak Ahmad is Professor at the School of Chemical Sciences and Food Technology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), as well as Head of the Nanocrystalline Research Consortia, under National Nanotechnology Directorate (NND), Malaysia. Prof. Ahmad has authored more than hundred research papers in international peer-reviewed journals and proceedings in the area of polymer composites, nanocomposites, polymer blends, polymer recycling and polymer hydrogels. Furthermore, he has written 3 books and contributed chapters to various books. Prof. Ahmad holds four patents. Sabu Thomas is the Director of the International and Interuniversity Centre for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology as well as full professor of Polymer Science and Technology at the School of Chemical Sciences of the Mahatma Gandhi University in Kottayam, India. His research interests include polymer nanocomposites, polymer blends, green bionanotechnological and nano-biomedical sciences. Prof. Thomas has authored more than 600 peer reviewed publications, reviews and book chapters, co-edited 53 books and holds 6 patents. Furthermore, he has received a number of national and international awards, including a Fellowship of the Royal Society of Chemistry, MRSI award, CRSI award, the Distinguished Professorship award form Josef Stefan Institute, Slovenia, and the Sukumar Maithy award. The H Index of Prof. Thomas is 77 and having a cita

저자(글) Ishak Ahmad

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