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Selective Nanocatalysts and Nanoscience


2011년 09월 19일 출간

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Filling a gap in the catalysis and nano literature, this monograph is unique in focusing on both nanostructured heterogeneous and homogeneous catalysis.As such, it describes a selection of heterogeneous catalysts in use, showing that the dimension of the relevant portions of the catalysts are always in the 1-100 nm range, and so may be properly understood as nanomachines for the chemical manipulation of molecules to perform high precision selective synthesis. The prominent international authors then go on to show that the concept of nanoscience can be equally applied to artificial homogeneous catalysts whose active sites are generally considered as quot;single-sitesquot; having a quot;molecularquot; dimension.The result is an excellent overview of such hot topics as nanoparticles, MOFs and more, making this indispensable reading for catalytic and organic chemists, as well as those working on organometallics.
PrefaceTHE STRUCTURE AND REACTIVITY OF SINGLE AND MULTIPLE SITES ON HETEROGENEOUS AND HOMOGENEOUS CATALYSTS: ANALOGIES, DIFFERENCES, AND CHALLENGES FOR CHARACTERIZATION METHODSIntroductionDefinition of Multiple- and Single-Site Centers in Homogeneous and Heterogeneous CatalysisThe Characterization Methods in Heterogeneous Catalysis (Including Operando Methods)ConclusionsSUPPORTED NANOPARTICLES AND SELECTIVE CATALYSIS. A SURFACE SCIENCE APPROACHGeneral IntroductionSynthesis of Supported Metal NanoparticlesSelective Catalysis of Supported Metal NanoparticlesSummaryWHEN DOES CATALYSIS WITH TRANSITION METAL COMPLEXES TURN INTO CATALYSIS BY NANOPARTICLESIntroductionNanoparticles vs. Homogeneous Catalysts in C-C Bond-Forming ReactionsNanoparticles vs. Homogeneous Catalysts in Hydrogenation ReactionsPlatinum-Catalyzed HydrosilylationConclusionsCAPSULES AND CAVITANDS: SYNTHETIC CATALYSTS OF NANOMETRIC DIMENSIONSIntroduction on Supramolecular CatalysisCompartmentalization of Reactive Species in Synthetic Hosts as Supramolecular CatalystsConclusionsOutlookPHOTOCATALYSTS: NANOSTRUCTURED PHOTOCATALYTIC MATERIALS FOR SOLAR ENERGY CONVERSIONPrinciples of Overall Water Splitting Using Nanostructured Particulate PhotocatalystsOxide Photocatalysts for Overall Water SplittingVisible Light-Responsive Photocatalysts for Overall Water SplittingConclusionsCHIRAL CATALYSTSThe Origin of Enantioselectivity in Catalytic Processes: The Nanoscale of Enantioselective CatalysisParameters Affecting the Geometry of the Metal EnvironmentCase of Study (1): Bis(oxazoline)-Cu Catalysts for CyclopropanationCase of Study (2): Catalysts for Diels-Alder ReactionsCase of Study (3): Salen-Based CatalystsCase of Study (4): Multifunctional CatalysisConclusionsSELECTIVE CATALYSTS FOR PETROCHEMICAL INDUSTRYOverview of Petrochemical Industry a


저자(글) Adriano Zecchina

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Adriano Zecchina is Emeritus Professor at the University of Torino and member of Accademia delle Scienze di Torino and of Excellence NIS (Nanostructured Surfaces and Interfaces) of University of Torino. He is member of the Ownership board of PCCP and of the Editorial Board of the Chemical Society Rewiews. Professor Zecchina has been awarded with the Bourke Medal of the Faraday Society, with the Fauser Plate and the Sigillo Medal of the Italian Chemical Society. He is coauthor of about 450 papers published on international journals which have received about 125000 citatations. His research is mainly devoted to the study of ssurface properties of catalytic materials.Silvia Bordiga is Professor in Physical Chemistry at the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Torino. Her research is mainly devoted to the characterization of the physical-chemical properties of oxides, zeolites and MOFs with attention to their surface properties. She has co-authored more than 200 research and review papers in the fields of Chemistry and Material Science appeared in international journals which have received more than 5000 citations.Elena Groppo received her degree in Material Science in 2002 and the PhD in Chemistry in 2007 at the University of Torino. She is currently working in the group of Physical Chemistry at the University of Torino. Her research focuses on the characterization of intermediate species in fast chemical reactions, such as polymerizations, by appplying several spectroscopic techniques in in-situ conditions. Elena Groppo has published about 50 papers, including four review articles. She received the Award for the best Young Scientist at XVI Congress of Societa Italiana Luce di Sincrotrone and was recently selected among the first five best candidates for the Gerhard Ertl Young Investigator Award.

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