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Fundamentals of Ionic Liquids


2017년 08월 02일 출간

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ISBN 9783527340002
쪽수 350쪽
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Written by experts who have been part of this field since its beginnings in both research and academia, this textbook introduces readers to this evolving topic and the broad range of applications that are being explored. The book begins by examining what it is that defines ionic liquids and what sets them apart from other materials. Chapters describe the various types of ionic liquids and the different techniques used to synthesize them, as well as their properties and some of the methods used in their measurement. Further chapters delve into synthetic and electrochemical applications and their broad use as "Green" solvents. Final chapters examine important applications in a wide variety of contexts, including such devices as solar cells and batteries, electrochemistry, and biotechnology. The result is a must-have resource for any researcher beginning to work in this growing field, including senior undergraduates and postgraduates.
1 An Introduction to Ionic Liquids 1 1.1 Prologue 1 1.2 The Definition of an Ionic Liquid 2 1.3 A Brief Perspective 6 1.4 Aprotic Versus Protic ILs 8 1.5 An Overview of IL Applications 9 1.6 Key Properties and Techniques for Understanding ILs 12 1.6.1 Viscosity 12 1.6.2 Vapor Pressure 13 1.6.3 Melting Point 13 1.6.4 Nanostructure 14 1.6.5 Thermal Properties 14 1.6.6 Electrochemical Properties 16 1.6.7 Conductivity and Ion Transport 16 1.6.8 Computational Techniques 17 1.7 New Materials Based on ILs 18 1.8 Nomenclature and Abbreviations 20 References 20 2 The Structure of Ions that Form Ionic Liquids 27 2.1 Introduction 27 2.2 Ionic Interactions and the Melting Point 28 2.2.1 Thermodynamics of the Melting Point 29 2.3 Effect of Ion Size and Crystal Packing 31 2.3.1 Quantifying the Madelung Constant 34 2.3.2 Computational Prediction of the Melting Point 35 2.4 Charge Delocalization and Shielding 37 2.5 Ion Asymmetry 39 2.6 Influence of Cation Substituents 41 2.7 Degrees of Freedom and Structural Disorder 43 2.7.1 Polymorphism 44 2.8 Short-Range Interactions Hydrogen Bonding 44 2.9 Dications and Dianions 47 2.10 Tm Trends in Other IL Families 49 2.11 Concluding Remarks 50 References 50 3 Structuring of Ionic Liquids 55 3.1 Introduction 55 3.2 Ionicity, Ion Pairing and Ion Association 56 3.3 Short-Range Structuring 58 3.4 Structural Heterogeneity and Domain Formation 60 3.5 Hydrogen Bonding and Structure 62 3.6 Experimental Probes of Structure 64 3.7 Simulation Approaches to Understanding Structure 67 3.8 Structuring at Solid Interfaces 71 3.9 Ionic Liquid Structure in Confined Spaces 74 3.10 Impact of Structure on Reactivity and Applic


Professor Doug MacFarlane leads the Monash Ionic Liquids Group at Monash University. He is currently the holder of an Australian Research Council Laureate Fellowship. He is also the Program Leader of the Energy Program in the Australian Centre of Excellence for Electromaterials Science. His group focuses on a range of aspects of ionic liquids and their application in the energy sciences and sustainable chemistry. Professor MacFarlane was a BSc(Hons) graduate of Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand and then undertook his graduate work in the Angell group at Purdue University, Indiana, graduating in 1983. After postdoctoral fellowships in France and New Zealand he took up an academic position at Monash. He has been a Professor of Chemistry at Monash since 1995 and was Head of School 2003-2006. A/Prof Jennifer Pringle is a Senior Research Fellow in the Institute for Frontier Materials at Deakin University, and a chief investigator in the ARC Centre of Excellence for Electromaterials Science. She received her degree and PhD at The University of Edinburgh in Scotland before moving to Monash University in Melbourne, Australia in 2002. From 2008-2012 she held an ARC QEII Fellowship, investigating the use of ionic electrolytes for dye-sensitized solar cells. A/Prof Pringle moved to Deakin University, Melbourne in 2013. There she leads research into the development and use of ionic electrolytes for applications including thermal energy harvesting and solid state lithium batteries. Dr. Mega Kar is a Research Fellow in the Monash Ionic Liquids group. She completed her undergraduate degree with honours at The University of Melbourne in 2008. She then went onto study her doctor of philosophy (PhD) at Monash University in Professor Douglas MacFarlane?s group, which focused on designing novel room-temperature alkoxy-ammonium based ionic liquids as electrolytes for reversible zinc electrochemistry, working towards a rechargeable metal-air battery for e

저자(글) Mega Kar

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