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Coffee - Philosophy for Everyone

Fritz Allhoff 지음

2011년 03월 08일 출간

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이 상품이 속한 분야

Offering philosophical insights into the popular morning brew, Coffee -- Philosophy for Everyone kick starts the day with an entertaining but critical discussion of the ethics, aesthetics, metaphysics, and culture of coffee.Matt Lounsbury of pioneering business Stumptown Coffee discusses just how good coffee can beCaffeine-related chapters cover the ethics of the coffee trade, the metaphysics of coffee and the centrality of the coffee house to the public sphereIncludes a foreword by Donald Schoenholt, President at Gillies Coffee Company
Foreword (Donald Schoenholt).Editors' Introduction (Scott F. Parker and Michael W. Austin).PART 1 THE FIRST CUP: COFFEE AND METAPHYSICS.1 Coffee: Black Puddle Water or Panacea? (Mark Pendergrast).2 The Necessary Ground of Being (Michael W. Austin).3 The Unexamined Cup Is Not Worth Drinking (Kristopher G. Phillips).4 Sam. sara in a Coffee Cup: Self, Suffering, and the Karma of Waking Up (Steven Geisz).5 The Existential Ground of True Community: Coffee and Otherness (Jill Hernandez).PART 2 GROUNDS FOR DEBATE: COFFEE CULTURE.6 Sage Advice from Ben&-s Mom, or: The Value of the Coffeehouse (Scott F. Parker).7 The Coffeehouse as a Public Sphere: Brewing Social Change (Asaf Bar-Tura).8 Café Noir: Anxiety, Existence, and the Coffeehouse (Brook J. Sadler).9 The Philosopher's Brew (Bassam Romaya).PART 3 THE WONDERFUL AROMA OF BEAN: COFFEE AESTHETICS.10 Three Cups: The Anatomy of a Wasted Afternoon (Will Buckingham).11 Is Starbucks Really Better than Red Brand X? (Kenneth Davids).12 The Flavor of Choice: Neoliberalism and the Espresso Aesthetic (Andrew Wear).13 Starbucks and the Third Wave (John Hartmann).14 How Good the Coffee Can Be: An Interview with Stumptown&-s Matt Lounsbury (Scott F. Parker).PART 4 TO ROAST OR NOT TO ROAST: THE ETHICS OF COFFEE.15 More than 27 Cents a Day: The Direct Trade (R)evolution (Gina Bramucci and Shannon Mulholland).16 Higher, Faster, Stronger, Buzzed: Caffeine as a Performance-Enhancing Drug (Kenneth W. Kirkwood).17 Green Coffee, Green Consumers &~ Green Philosophy? (Stephanie W. Aleman).18 Coffee and the Good Life: The Bean and the Golden Mean (Lori Keleher).How to Make it in Hollywood by Writing an Afterw

“This is not going to be an impulse buy or something to necessarily give to that special coffee-lover in your life, but if you take the time to examine the book with an open, curious mind it might be something that can keep you company with, of course, a good cup of something during a long journey.”& (Yum.fi, 2012)"A delightful book for philosophically minded coffee drinkers ... Philosophically minded coffee drinkers will find the contents of their cup enhanced by the contents of the book." (Network Review, 1 June 2011)"And so, the book devotes itself to coffee and philosophy from varied perspectives, some seemingly frivolous, and others deeply analytical . . . I suspect that the book will appeal most to coffee devotees who enjoy lively conversation and see the world, as well as that black liquid in their cups, from a dialectical point of view." (Metapsychology, 9 August 2011)"Grounds for Debate is a fantastic read-providing insights into the coffee culture that even a tea drinker can appreciate. The collection encourages readers to consider their relationship to larger social practices that have resounding effects on daily life." (Anthropology in Practice, 30 June 2011)"This may possibly be the most unusual coffee book you will read. Instead of just the usual history ofit, this is the latest in a long series of titles written by philosophicalheavyweights, discussing subjectsfrom Christmas to cycling." (Boughton's Coffee House magazine, 1 March 2011)"In interesting, educational, and often funny selections, we learn facts both surprising (most coffee farmers and people living in coffee-growing regions have no idea why anyone would want to drink the stuff) and rudimentary. . . this is more sociology than philosophy, but a smattering of deep (enough) thoughts from the likes of Hume, Bourdieu, Kant, and others will keep true addicts--of both coffee and philosophy--stimulated". (Publishers Weekly,


저자(글) Fritz Allhoff

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Scott F. Parker has contributed chapters to Ultimate Lost and Philosophy, Football and Philosophy, Alice in Wonderland and Philosophy, Golf and Philosophy, and iPod and Philosophy. He is a regular contributor to Rain Taxi Review of Books. His writing has also appeared in Philosophy Now, Sport Literate, Fiction Writers Review, Epiphany, The Ink-Filled Page, and Oregon Humanities.Michael W. Austin is an Associate Professor of Philosophy at Eastern Kentucky University, where he works primarily in ethics. He has published Conceptions of Parenthood: Ethics and the Family (2007), Running and Philosophy: A Marathon for the Mind (Wiley-Blackwell, 2007), and Football and Philosophy: Going Deep (2008).

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