The Philosopher's Toolkit
2011년 08월 24일 출간
- eBook 상품 정보
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- ISBN 9781444357479
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이 상품이 속한 분야
- Features significantly revised, updated and expanded entries, and an entirely new section drawn from methods in the history of philosophy
- This edition has a broad, pluralistic approach--appealing to readers in both continental philosophy and the history of philosophy, as well as analytic philosophy
- Explains difficult concepts in an easily accessible manner, and addresses the use and application of these concepts
- Proven useful to philosophy students at both beginning and advanced levels
1. Basic Tools for Argument.
1.1 Arguments, premises and conclusions.
1.2 Deduction.
1.3 Induction.
1.4 Validity and soundness.
1.5 Invalidity.
1.6 Consistency.
1.7 Fallacies.
1.8 Refutation.
1.9 Axioms.
1.10 Definitions.
1.11 Certainty and probability.
1.12 Tautologies, self-contradictions and the law of non-contradiction.
2. More Advanced Tools.
2.1 Abduction.
2.2 Hypothetico-deductive method.
2.3 Dialectic.
2.4 Analogies.
2.5 Anomalies and exceptions that prove the rule.
2.6 Intuition pumps.
2.7 Logical constructions.
2.8 Reduction.
2.9 Thought experiments.
2.10 Useful fictions.
3. Tools for Assessment.
3.1 Alternative explanations.
3.2 Ambiguity.
3.3 Bivalence and the excluded middle.
3.4 Category mistakes.
3.5 Ceteris paribus.
3.6 Circularity.
3.7 Conceptual incoherence.
3.8 Counterexamples.
3.9 Criteria.
3.10 Error theory.
3.11 False dichotomy.
3.12 False cause.
3.13 Genetic fallacy.
3.14 Horned dilemmas.
3.15 Is/ought gap.
3.16 Masked man fallacy.
3.17 Partners in guilt.
3.18 Principle of charity.
3.19 Question-begging.
3.20 Reductios.
3.21 Redundancy.
3.22 Regresses.
3.23 Saving the phenomena.
3.24 Self-defeating arguments.
3.25 Sufficient reason.
3.26 Testability.
4. Tools for Conceptual Distinctions.
4.1 A priori/a posteriori.
4.2 Absolute/relative.
4.3 Analytic/synthetic
4.4 Categorical/modal.
4.5 Conditional/biconditional.
4.6 De re/de dicto.
4.7 Defeasible/indefeasible.
4.8 Entailment/implication.
4.9 Essence/accident.
4.10 Internalism/externalism.
4.11 Knowledge by acquaintance/description.
4.12 Necessary/contingent.
4.13 Necessary/sufficient.
4.14 Objective/subjective.
4.15 Realist/non-realist.
4.16 Sense/reference.
4.17 Syntax/semantics.
4.18 Thick/thin concepts.
4.19 Types/tokens.
5. Tools of Historical Schools and Philos
"The Philosopher's Toolkit is a very good book. It could be highly useful for both introductory courses in philosophy, or philosophical methodology, as well as independent study for anyone interested in the methods of argument, assessment and criticism used in contemporary analytic philosophy. It is unique in approach, and written in a pleasant and considerate tone. Its authors are both competent philosophers, and the book visibly reflects their deep sympathy to the discipline and their appreciation of its unique character. This book will help one to get going to do philosophy, but more advanced students might find this text helpful too. I wish I had had access to this book as an undergraduate." (Teaching Philosophy)
"This book is ... an encyclopedia of philosophy. It should be of great use as a quick and accurate reference guide to the skill of philosophy, especially for beginners, but also for instructors ... highly recommended." (Choice)
"Its choice of tools for basic argument ... is sound, while further tools for argument ... move through topics and examples concisely and wittily... Sources are well chosen and indicated step by step. Sections are cross-referenced (making it better than the Teach Youself "100 philosophical concepts") and supported by a useful index." (Reference Reviews)
"...the average person who is interested in arguments and logic but who doesn't have much background in philosophy would certainly find this book useful, as would anyone teaching a course on arguments, logic, and reasoning. Even introductory courses on philosophy in general might benefit because the book lays out so many of the conceptual "tools" which will prove necessary over students' careers." (
저자(글) Julian Baggini

<b>Julian Baggini</b> ( is a freelance writer and co-founding editor of <i>The Philosophers’ Magazine</i>.<p><b>Peter S. Fosl</b> is Professor of Philosophy at Transylvania University in Lexington, Kentucky.
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