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Textbook of Diabetes


2011년 07월 26일 출간

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이 상품이 속한 분야

Over three editions the Textbook of Diabetes has built a reputation as a book that is extremely well-organized and easy to navigate, with exceptional illustrations and an excellent blend of clinical and scientific content. Previously edited by John Pickup and Gareth Williams this fourth edition has four brand new editors from across the globe.The editors have assembled an outstanding set of international contributors who provide insight on new developments in diabetes care and information on the latest treatment modalities used around the world.The new Textbook of Diabetes has been restructured into 12 parts in one accessible volume and is designed with the busy diabetes care team in mind. As well as retaining the elements that have made it such a popular brand, such as the outstanding full colour illustrations and text design, the new edition sees even greater emphasis on the clinical aspects of diabetes, with new chapters on managing patients with diabetes, the treatment of diabetes, and the delivery and organization of diabetes care, including:Non-insulin parenteral therapiesNew technologies for insulin administration and glucose monitoringThe role of the multidisciplinary teamThere is also a companion website accompanying the book containing essential bonus material such as:Over 150 interactive MCQ's to help you improve and test your clinical knowledgeAll 500 figures from the book in a downloadable format to use in slides and presentationsChapter pdfs and chapter references with full links to PubMedIf you want a modern, well-illustrated, international guide to diabetes this is the ideal reference book for you.
List of Contributors, ixPreface to the Fourth Edition, xiiiForeword, xvList of Abbreviations, xviPart 1 Diabetes in its Historical and Social Context1 The History of Diabetes Mellitus, 3Robert B. Tattersall2 The Classifi cation and Diagnosis of Diabetes, 24K. George M.M. Alberti3 Epidemiology of Type 1 Diabetes, 31Lars C. Stene, Valma Harjutsalo, Elena Moltchanova Jaakko Tuomilehto4 Epidemiology of Type 2 Diabetes, 45Ronald C.W. Ma Peter C.Y. Tong5 The Global Burden of Diabetes, 69Mohammed K. Ali, Mary Beth Weber K.M. Venkat NarayanPart 2 Normal Physiology6 Islet Function and Insulin Secretion, 87Peter M. Jones Shanta J. Persaud7 Insulin Action, 104Xuxia Wu W. Timothy Garvey8 Control of Weight: How Do We Get Fat? 126George A. BrayPart 3 Pathogenesis of Diabetes9 Type 1 Diabetes, 141Autoimmune Type 1 Diabetes, 141Ahmed J. Delli, Helena Elding Larsson, Sten-A. Ivarsson Åke LernmarkOther Disorders with Type 1 Phenotype, 152Alice P.S. Kong Juliana C.N. Chan10 Abnormalities of Insulin Secretion and -Cell Defects in Type 2 Diabetes, 160Mazen Alsahli John E. Gerich11 Insulin Resistance in Type 2 Diabetes, 174Hannele Yki-Järvinen12 The Genetics of Type 2 Diabetes: From Candidate Gene Biology to Genome-Wide Studies, 191Martine Vaxillaire Philippe Froguel13 Metabolic Disturbances in Diabetes, 215Adrian Vella Robert A. Rizza14 Obesity and Diabetes, 227Hans HaunerPart 4 Other Types of Diabetes15 Monogenic Causes of Diabetes, 245Angus Jones Andrew T. Hattersley16 Drug-Induced Diabetes, 265Neil J.L. Gittoes, John Ayuk Robin E. Ferner17 Endocrine Disorders that Cause Diabetes, 279Neil A. Hanley18 Pa

“Of excellent technical production; many illustrations and tables in color.”& (Journal Pediatric EndocrinologyReviews, 1 November 2012)"This sizeable book has been condensed into one volume with 12 sections and 62 chapters, each clearly laid out with colour diagrams, tables and a very useful summary of key points." (Diabetes Update, 1 April 2011)"Overall, the 4th edition of Textbook of Diabetes is likely to be most useful to health-care providers who are involved in diabetes disease state management. The evidence-based Clinical Practice Recommendations, developed by the American Diabetes Association and revised to include up-to-date research findings on an annual basis, are additional relevant and important resources for health-care providers and will complement the use of this textbook." (The Annals of Pharmacotherapy, January 2011)"A companion website (access included) contains all the content as well as multiple choice questions for each chapter, reference lists with external links, and figures from the book for downloading." (Book News, September 2010)"the 4th edition of the 'Textbook of Diabetes' is a complete reference guide to all aspects of diabetes care and a worthy successor to the previous editions. It will be an invaluable addition to any medical library or diabetes centre." (Practical Diabetes International, November 2010)"In common with previous editions there is an exceptional list of expert international contributors who have written chapters that are all well researched, easy to read and comprehensively referenced with the key points neatly summarised in bullet points at the beginning of each chapter. The book is also beautifully illustrated with numerous full colour figures and photographs." (Practical Diabetes International, November 2010)


저자 :

저자 :

저자 :

저자 :

저자 :
저자 :
저자 :
Richard I.G. Holt, MA, MB BChir, PhD, FRCP, FHEAProfessor in Diabetes Endocrinology, Developmental Origins of Health and Disease Division, University of Southampton School of Medicine, Southampton, UKClive S. Cockram, MB BS, BSc, MD (Lond), FRCP, FRACP, FHKAM (Med)Emeritus Professor of Medicine, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, People's Republic of ChinaAllan Flyvbjerg, MD, DMScProfessor of Clinical Endocrinology and Chair, Department of Endocrinology and Internal Medicine, The Medical Research Laboratories, Aarhus University Hospital - Aarhus University, Aarhus, DenmarkBarry J. Goldstein, MD, PhD, FACP, FACETherapeutic Area Head, Diabetes and Obesity, Vice President, Clinical Research, Metabolism, Merck Research Laboratories, Rahway, NJ, USA

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