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Applied Urban Ecology


2011년 09월 19일 출간

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이 상품이 속한 분야

Applied Urban Ecology: A Global Framework explores ways in which the environmental quality of urban areas can be improved starting with existing environmental conditions and their dynamics. Written by an internationally renowned selection of scientists and practitioners, the book covers a broad range of established and novel approaches to applied urban ecology. Approaches chosen for the book are placed in the context of issues such as climate change, green- and open-space development, flood-risk assessment, threats to urban biodiversity, and increasing environmental pollution (especially in the "megacities" of newly industrialized countries). All topics covered were chosen because they are socially and socio-politically relevant today.Further topics covered include sustainable energy and budget management, urban water resource management, urban land management, and urban landscape planning and design.Throughout the book, concepts and methods are illustrated using case studies from around the world. A closing synopsis draws conclusions on how the findings of urban ecological research can be used in strategic urban management in the future.Applied Urban Ecology: A Global Framework is an advanced textbook for students, researchers and experienced practitioners in urban ecology and urban environmental research, planning, and practice.
List of contributors, xiForeword, xiiiPART I: INTRODUCTION, 11. Urban ecology &~ brief history and present challenges, 3Ulrike Weiland andMatthias Richter1.1 Introduction, 31.2 Brief history, 31.2.1 Initials in urban natural history, 31.2.2 Socioecological tradition, 41.2.3 Complex bioecological tradition, 41.2.4 Ecosystem-related tradition, 41.3 Recent and present challenges, 51.4 Purpose and structure of the book, 71.4.1 Purpose of the book, 71.4.2 Structure of the book, 8References, 9PART II: URBAN ECOLOGY: RELATED DISCIPLINES AND METHODS, 132. Thematic&~methodical approaches to applied urban ecology, 15Matthias Richter and UlrikeWeiland3. Monitoring urban land use changes with remote sensing techniques, 18Ellen Banzhaf andMaik Netzband3.1 Land use changes and their consequences for urban ecology, 183.2 Urban remote sensing (URS) and geographical information systems (GIS) for research in urban ecology, 193.3 Measuring physical characteristics of urban areas with remote sensing technology, 213.3.1 Effects of urban form on natural and man-made hazards, 213.3.2 Urban dynamics and ecosystem function, 233.4 Global initiatives to measure urban expansion and land use change, 243.4.1 Global Urban Observatory of UN-HABITAT, 243.4.2 "The Dynamics of Global Urban Expansion" &~ a contribution by theWorld Bank, 243.4.3 Socioeconomic data and applications Center (SEDAC) at the Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN), Columbia University, New York, USA, 253.4.4 The "100 Cities Project", Arizona State University, USA, 263.5 Regional urban monitoring activities, 263.5.1 Europe: ESPON, MOLAND and the Urban Atlas, 263.5.2 Governmental research projects on urban growth in the United States, 293.6 Synthesis and outlook, 29References, 30PART III: SELECTED FIELDS OF URBAN ECOL

“In return it broadens our perspective on the pathways we might follow in aiming to understand the complexities of urban environments, and ultimately learn how to shape their future and that of the majority of humanity.”& (Austral Ecology, 1 October 2013)“This book provides a wealth of information . . . It is a book for the specialist rather than the generalist and is thus most relevant for advanced undergraduates and postgraduates of ecology, geography, environmental science and urban planning.”& (Bulletin of the British Ecological Society, 1 June 2012)"I am sure that anyone teaching in this area at undergraduate or postgraduate levels will want it on their bookshelf." (Elsevier's Biological Conservation, 1 January 2012)"I highly recommend the very hands on and engaging book Applied Urban Ecology: A Global Framework edited by Matthias Richter and Ulrike Weiland, to any field researchers, scientists, practitioners, urban planners, policy makers in government, business leaders, educators, and students at all levels who are seeking a clear and understandable guide to urban ecology, its challenges, and its potential solutions. This book will transform the way decision makers approach urban ecological issues, and provide students with a firm foundation in applied urban ecology." (Blog Business World, 4 January 2012)"Nevertheless, each chapter is worth reading and I am sure this book will become a primer for studies in urban ecology. I am sure that anyone teaching in this area at undergraduate or postgraduate levels will want it on their bookshelf." (Biological Conservation, 12 December 2011)


저자(글) Matthias Richter

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저자 :
Matthias Richter, Environmental Scientist, Publicist and University Lecturer, Germany. Ulrike Weiland is Professor of Urban Ecology at the Institute for Geography, University of Leipzig, Germany.

이 상품의 총서

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