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Cycling - Philosophy for Everyone

Fritz Allhoff 지음

2011년 01월 11일 출간

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이 상품이 속한 분야

Covering interesting and varied philosophical terrain, Cycling- Philosophy for Everyoneexplores in a fun but critical way the rich philosophical, cultural, and existential experiences that arise when two wheels are propelled by human energy. Incorporates or reflects the views of high-profile and notable past-professional cyclists and insiders such as Lennard Zinn, Scott Tinley, and Lance ArmstrongFeatures contributions from the areas of cultural studies, kinesiology, literature, and political science as well as from philosophersIncludes enlightening essays on the varieties of the cycling experience, ranging from the ethical issues of success, women and cycling, environmental issues of commuting and the transformative potential of cycling for personal growthShows how bicycling and philosophy create the perfect tandemIncludes a foreword by Lennard Zinn, author and owner of Zinn Cycles Inc.
Foreword (Lennard Zinn).Acknowledgments (Jesús Ilundáin-Agurruza and Michael W. Austin).Getting in Gear: An Introduction to Cycling &~ Philosophy for Everyone (Jesús Ilundáin-Agurruza and Michael W. Austin).STAGE 1 THE VARIETIES OF CYCLING EXPERIENCE.1 Warm Up: A Surreal Ride (Patrick Vala-Haynes).2 Learning to Ride a Bike (Peter M. Hopsicker).3 Becoming a Cyclist: Phenomenological Reflections on Cycling (Steen Nepper Larsen).4 Unleash the Beast: Technology and the Time Trial (Bryce T. J. Dyer).STAGE 2 VELO VIRTUES.5 Warm Up: A Test of One's Mettle (Patrick Vala-Haynes).6 Lance Armstrong and True Success (Gregory Bassham and Chris Krall).7 LeMond, Armstrong, and the Never-Ending Wheel of Fortune (Scott Tinley).8 Riding Like a Girl (Catherine A. Womack and Pata Suyemoto).9 Bicycling and the Simple Life (Russell Arben Fox).STAGE 3 RE-CYCLING.10 Warm Up: When Two Wheels Meet Four (Patrick Vala-Haynes).11 Philosophical Lessons from Cycling in Town and Country (Robert H. Haraldsson).12 The Commutist Manifesto (John Richard Harris).13 Critical Mass Rides Against Car Culture (Zack Furness).STAGE 4 SPINNING WISDOM.14 Warm Up: Are You Real? Tony Meets Bishop Berkeley (Patrick Vala-Haynes).15 My Life as a Two-Wheeled Philosopher (Heather L. Reid).16 Cycling and Philosophical Lessons Learned the Hard Way (Steven D. Hales).17 From Shoes to Saddle (Michael W. Austin).STAGE 5 FAIR PLAY ON TWO WHEELS.18 Warm Up: Pushing the Envelope (Patrick Vala-Haynes).19 What To Do Once They&-re Caught (John Gleaves).20 Out of Control: The Pirate and Performance-Enhancing Drugs (Raymond Angelo Belliotti).21 Is the Cannibal a Goo

“It&'s the first time I&'ve read in a while. Very captivating subject matter for someone like myself. I need to hit the road.”& (Conscious Being, 16 July 2013)“Cycling &n- Philosophy for Everyone explores in a fun but critical way the rich philosophical, cultural, and existential experiences that arise when two wheels are propelled by human energy.”& (Outdoor Zone, 31 December 2012)"The chapters are generally well written and although there are 19 of them there are few repetitions of content ... The book's good chapters are all characterised by the fact that the author, in the process of cycling and becoming a cyclist have discovered several things about him or herself and the world s/he inhabits, and have been able to transform those discoveries into insightful ideas and recognitions." (Idrottsforum.org, 25 January 2012)"Includes enlightening essays on the varieties of the cycling experience, ranging from the ethical issues of success, women and cycling, environmental issues of commuting and the transformative potential of cycling for personal growth." (Kansas City.info, 20 August 2010)"This book and the others in this reasonably priced series would be useful in interdisciplinary studies programs as examples for students on how scholars from various disciplines can broach the same topic. Summing Up: Recommended. Lower-division undergraduates through faculty/professionals; general readers." (Choice, 1 March 2011)"There is a good deal stimulate the brain, should the brain require it." (Cycling World, January 2011)"Whether you use the bicycle to make your living, to take you to your living, or to take you on an escape from your living, there is a great deal in Cycling: Philosophy for Everyone." (Athelon, 1 January 2011)"If you are interested in reading something that questions how&you think about yourself and your cycling and its impact on the


저자(글) Fritz Allhoff

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EditorsJes#250;s Ilund#225;in-Agurruza is Assistant Professor of Philosophy, and Allen and Pat Kelley Faculty Scholar at Linfield College, Oregon. He has published in the journals Sports, Ethics, and Philosophy and Proteus. He is a category 2 racer.Michael W. Austin is an Associate Professor of Philosophy at Eastern Kentucky University, where he works primarily in ethics. He has published Conceptions of Parenthood: Ethics and the Family (2007), Running and Philosophy: A Marathon for the Mind (Wiley-Blackwell, 2007), and Football and Philosophy: Going Deep (2008).Series EditorFritz Allhoff is an Assistant Professor in the Philosophy Department at Western Michigan University, as well as a Senior Research Fellow at the Australian National University-s Centre for Applied Philosophy and Public Ethics. In addition to editing the Philosophy for Everyone series, Allhoff is the volume editor or co-editor for several titles, including Wine Philosophy (Wiley-Blackwell, 2007), Whiskey Philosophy (with Marcus P. Adams, Wiley, 2009), and Food Philosophy (with Dave Monroe, Wiley-Blackwell, 2007).

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