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System Health Management


2011년 06월 01일 출간

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이 상품이 속한 분야

System Health Management: with Aerospace Applications provides the first complete reference text for System Health Management (SHM), the set of technologies and processes used to improve system dependability. Edited by a team of engineers and consultants with SHM design, development, and research experience from NASA, industry, and academia, each heading up sections in their own areas of expertise and co-coordinating contributions from leading experts, the book collates together in one text the state-of-the-art in SHM research, technology, and applications. It has been written primarily as a reference text for practitioners, for those in related disciplines, and for graduate students in aerospace or systems engineering.There are many technologies involved in SHM and no single person can be an expert in all aspects of the discipline.System Health Management: with Aerospace Applications provides an introduction to the major technologies, issues, and references in these disparate but related SHM areas. Since SHM has evolved most rapidly in aerospace, the various applications described in this book are taken primarily from the aerospace industry. However, the theories, techniques, and technologies discussed are applicable to many engineering disciplines and application areas.Readers will find sections on the basic theories and concepts of SHM, how it is applied in the system life cycle (architecture, design, verification and validation, etc.), the most important methods used (reliability, quality assurance, diagnostics, prognostics, etc.), and how SHM is applied in operations (commercial aircraft, launch operations, logistics, etc.), to subsystems (electrical power, structures, flight controls, etc.) and to system applications (robotic spacecraft, tactical missiles, rotorcraft, etc.).
About the Editors xxiiiList of Contributors xxvForeword xxixPreface xxxiiiPart One THE SOCIO-TECHNICAL CONTEXT OF SYSTEM HEALTH MANAGEMENTCharles D. Mott1 The Theory of System Health Management 3Stephen B. JohnsonOverview 31.1 Introduction 31.2 Functions, Off-Nominal States, and Causation 71.3 Complexity and Knowledge Limitations 101.4 SHM Mitigation Strategies 111.5 Operational Fault Management Functions 121.6 Mechanisms 191.7 Summary of Principles 221.8 SHM Implementation 231.9 Some Implications 241.10 Conclusion 26Bibliography 262 Multimodal Communication 29Beverly A. SauerOverview 292.1 Multimodal Communication in SHM 312.2 Communication Channels 342.3 Learning from Disaster 362.4 Current Communication in the Aerospace Industry 372.5 The Problem of Sense-making in SHM Communication 372.6 The Costs of Faulty Communication 382.7 Implications 392.8 Conclusion 41Acknowledgments 43Bibliography 433 Highly Reliable Organizations 49Andrew WiedleaOverview 493.1 The Study of HROs and Design for Dependability 493.2 Lessons from the Field: HRO Patterns of Behavior 523.2.1 Inseparability of Systemic Equipment and Anthropologic Hazards 533.2.2 Dynamic Management of System Risks 543.2.3 Social Perceptions of Benefits and Hazards 563.3 Dependable Design, Organizational Behavior, and Connections to the HRO Project 573.4 Conclusion 60Bibliography 614 Knowledge Management 65Edward W. RogersOverview 654.1 Systems as Embedded Knowledge 664.2 KM and Information Technology 664.3 Reliability and Sustainability of Organizational Systems 674.4 Case Study of Building a Learning Organization: Goddard Space Flight Center 694.5 Conclusion 75Bibliography 755 The Business Case for SHM 77Kirby Keller an


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Dr Stephen B. Johnson is a Heath Management Systems Engineer at the NASA Marshall Space Flight Center in the USA, as well as an associate research professor at the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs. He has been active in the field of SHM for over 20 years, and has authored many research papers on the topic. He has also authored or edited 3 books in the aerospace field including The Secret of Apollo: Systems Management in American and European Space Programs.Mr Thomas Gormley has been involved with the NASA Aerospace industry for over 20 years, and was the Integrated Vehicle Health Management Project Leader for Rockwell Space Systems during the early 1990s. He brings expertise in systems implementation to the project.Dr Seth S. Kessler is president and owner of Metis Design Corporation, a design consulting firm specializing in custom sensing solutions. He brings expertise in structural health monitoring and composite materials to the project.Mr Charles Mott is a business analyst with the Tauri group, currently under contract at NASA. He brings expertise in the socio-technical aspects of large-scale technological projects to the project.Dr Ann Patterson-Hine is Group Leader of the Health Management Technologies Group at the Ames Research Center. She brings expertise on the use of engineering models for model-based reasoning in advanced monitoring and diagnostic systems to the project.Dr Karl Reichard is head of the ARL Penn State Monitoring and Automation Department. He brings expertise in the implementation of signal processing, control and embedded diagnostMr Philip A. Scandura, Jr joined Honeywell in 1984 where he currently holds the position of Staff Scientist in their Advanced Technology Organization. He brings expertise in the system definition and implementation of real-time, embedded systems for use in safety-critical and mission-critical applications to the project.

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