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Smart Grid


2012년 02월 23일 출간

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이 상품이 속한 분야

Electric power systems worldwide face radical transformation with the need to decarbonise electricity supply, replace ageing assets and harness new information and communication technologies (ICT). The Smart Grid uses advanced ICT to control next generation power systems reliably and efficiently. This authoritative guide demonstrates the importance of the Smart Grid and shows how ICT will extend beyond transmission voltages to distribution networks and customer-level operation through Smart Meters and Smart Homes.Smart Grid Technology and Applications:Clearly unravels the evolving Smart Grid concept with extensive illustrations and practical examples.Describes the spectrum of key enabling technologies required for the realisation of the Smart Grid with worked examples to illustrate the applications.Enables readers to engage with the immediate development of the power system and take part in the debate over the future Smart Grid.Introduces the constituent topics from first principles, assuming only a basic knowledge of mathematics, circuits and power systems.Brings together the expertise of a highly experienced and international author team from the UK, Sri Lanka, China and Japan.Electrical, electronics and computer engineering researchers, practitioners and consultants working in inter-disciplinary Smart Grid RDD will significantly enhance their knowledge through this reference. The tutorial style will greatly benefit final year undergraduate and master's students as the curriculum increasing focuses on the breadth of technologies that contribute to Smart Grid realisation.
About the authors xiPreface xiiiAcknowledgements xvList of abbreviations xvii1 The Smart Grid 11.1 Introduction 11.2 Why implement the Smart Grid now? 21.3 What is the Smart Grid? 61.4 Early Smart Grid initiatives 71.5 Overview of the technologies required for the Smart Grid 12References 14Part I INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES2 Data communication 192.1 Introduction 192.2 Dedicated and shared communication channels 192.3 Switching techniques 232.4 Communication channels 252.5 Layered architecture and protocols 35References 433 Communication technologies for the Smart Grid 453.1 Introduction 453.2 Communication technologies 463.3 Standards for information exchange 62References 664 Information security for the Smart Grid 694.1 Introduction 694.2 Encryption and decryption 704.3 Authentication 764.4 Digital signatures 774.5 Cyber security standards 79References 80Part II SENSING, MEASUREMENT, CONTROL AND AUTOMATION TECHNOLOGIES5 Smart metering and demand-side integration 835.1 Introduction 835.2 Smart metering 845.3 Smart meters: An overview of the hardware used 865.4 Communications infrastructure and protocols for smart metering 965.5 Demand-side integration 99References 1116 Distribution automation equipment 1136.1 Introduction 1136.2 Substation automation equipment 1146.3 Faults in the distribution system 1256.4 Voltage regulation 135References 1397 Distribution management systems 1417.1 Introduction 1417.2 Data sources and associated external systems 1427.3 Modelling and analysis tools 1447.4 Applications 165References 1718 Transmission system operation 1738.1 Introduction 1738.2 Data sources 1738.3 Energy management systems 1778.4 Wide area applications 1798.5 Visualisation techniques 183Re


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Professor Janaka Ekanayake, Cardiff University, UKProfessor Ekanayake is currently at the Institute of Energy at Cardiff University. As module leader on an MSc course, he teaches intelligent electronic devices, their applications and automation. He also teaches power electronic applications to power systems, flexible ac transmission systems and HVDC.Previous to this he was a Research Fellow at the University of Manchester. He was promoted to Professor in Electrical and Electronic Engineering at the University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka in 2003. Professor Ekanayake has published over 25 papers in refereed journals and has co-authored three books in the area of wind integration.Dr Kithsiri Liyanage, University of Peradeniya, Sri LankaDr Liyanage is Senior Lecturer in the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of Peradeniya. Prior to this he served as Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, University of Ruhuna and as Director of the Information Technology Centre, University of Peradenyia. He has been with the University of Tokyo as a Visiting Research Fellow since 2008. He has served as coordinator of and consultant to several ICT and power generation projects.Dr Jianzhong Wu, Cardiff University, UKDr Wu is a lecturer at the Institute of Energy, School of Engineering, Cardiff University. Privious to this he was a research fellow at the University of Manchester and Associate Professor at Tianjin University, China. He has been involved in several Chinese national research programmes, developing advanced software tools for distribution network operation, planning, for on-line security monitoring, assessment and optimisation for transmission networks.Professor Akihiko Yokoyama, University of Tokyo, JapanProfessor Yokoyama is based at the Department of Engineering at the University of Tokyo. He is alsoProfessor in the Department of Advanced Energy at the Graduate School of Frontier Science

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