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Classical Mechanics


2011년 07월 22일 출간

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이 상품이 속한 분야

This new edition of Classical Mechanics, aimed at undergraduate physics and engineering students, presents ina user-friendly style an authoritative approach to the complementary subjects of classical mechanics and relativity.The text starts with a careful look at Newton's Laws, before applying them in one dimension to oscillations and collisions. More advanced applications - including gravitational orbits and rigid body dynamics - are discussed after the limitations of Newton's inertial frames have been highlighted through an exposition of Einstein's Special Relativity. Examples given throughout are often unusual for an elementary text, but are made accessible to the reader through discussion and diagrams.Updates and additions for this new edition include:New vector notation in Chapter 1An enhanced discussion of equilibria in Chapter 2A new section on a body falling a large distance towards a gravitational source in Chapter 2New sections in Chapter 8 on general rotation about a fixed principal axes, simple examples of principal axes and principal moments of inertia and kinetic energy of a body rotating about a fixed axisNew sections in chapter 9: Foucault pendulum and free rotation of a rigid body; the latter including the famous tennis racquet theoremEnhanced chapter summaries at the end of each chapterNovel problems with numerical answersA solutions manual is available at: www.wiley.com/go/mccall
Preface to Second Edition.Preface to First Edition.1 Newton'sLaws.1.1 What is Mechanics?1.2 Mechanics as a Scientific Theory.1.3 Newtonian vs. Einsteinian Mechanics.1.4 Newton's Laws.1.5 A Deeper Look at Newton's Laws.1.6 Inertial Frames.1.7 Newton's Laws in Noninertial Frames.1.8 Switching Off Gravity.1.9 Finale &~ Laws, Postulates or Definitions?1.10 Summary.1.11 Problems.2 One-dimensional Motion.2.1 Rationale for One-dimensional Analysis.2.2 The Concept of a Particle.2.3 Motion with a Constant Force.2.4 Work and Energy.2.5 Impulse and Power.2.6 Motion with a Position-dependent Force.2.7 The Nature of Energy.2.8 Potential Functions.2.9 Equilibria.2.10 Motion Close to a Stable Equilibrium.2.11 The Stability of the Universe.2.12 Trajectory of a Body Falling a Large Distance Under Gravity.2.13 Motion with a Velocity-dependent Force.2.14 Summary.2.15 Problems.3 Oscillatory Motion.3.1 Introduction.3.2 Prototype Harmonic Oscillator.3.3 Differential Equations.3.4 General Solution for Simple Harmonic Motion.3.5 Energy in Simple Harmonic Motion.3.6 Damped Oscillations.3.7 Light Damping &~ the Q Factor.3.8 Heavy Damping and Critical Damping.3.9 Forced Oscillations.3.10 Complex Number Method.3.11 Electrical Analogue.3.12 Power in Forced Oscillations.3.13 Coupled Oscillations.3.14 Summary.3.15 Problems.4 Two-body Dynamics.4.1 Rationale.4.2 Centre of Mass.4.3 Internal Motion: Reduced Mass.4.4 Collisions.4.5 Elastic Collisions.4.6 Inelastic Collisions.4.7 Centre-of-mass Frame.4.8 Rocket Motion.4.9 Launch Vehicles.4.10 Summary.4.11 Problems.5 Relativity 1: Space and Time.5.1 Why Relativity?5.2 Galilean Relativity.5.3 The Fundamental Postulates of Relativity.5.4 Inertial Observers in Relativity.5.5 Comparing Transverse Distances

"This book aimed at undergraduate physics and engineering students, presents in a user-friendly style an authoritative approach to the complementary subjects of classical mechanics and relativity." (Zentralblatt MATH, 2011)"When McCall (Imperial College London) decided to produce a second edition of his introductory textbook, he was keen to keep it accessible to third-year undergraduates with minimal background in mathematics. So he has embellished the original material rather than expanding into more advanced areas. New discussions include a body free-falling a large distance under gravity, a demonstration that snooker balls always scatter at 90 degrees, the rotation of arbitrary bodies, and the tennis racket theorem." (Reference and Research Book News, February 2011)


저자(글) Martin W. McCall

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Dr. Martin McCallis based at Imperial College London (UK) in the Photonics Group of the Physics Department. He began his research career at GEC Hirst Research Centre working on Photorefractives for real-time image processing. After completing his PhD he moved back to academia as a postdoc at the University of Bath (UK) where he worked on nonlinear dynamics in optoelectronic systems. Dr. McCall returned to Imperial College as a faculty member in Physics where he focusses mainly on complexity within linear optics, looking at how light diffracts in periodic and quasi-periodic structures. His particular specialism is using coupled wave techniques for simplifying problems that are otherwise very complicated. Aside from electromagnetics, he has interests in classical mechanics, relativity, chess and ceroc dancing. In addition to his book on Classical Mechanics: a Modern Introduction (2000), Dr. McCall has published over 75 refereed journal papers and conference presentations. He is joint holder of five patents.

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