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Practical Guide to MIMO Radio Channel

Tim Brown 지음

2012년 02월 16일 출간

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이 상품이 속한 분야

This book provides an excellent reference to the MIMO radio channelIn this book, the authors introduce the concept of the Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) radio channel, which is an intelligent communication method based upon using multiple antennas. Moreover, the authors provide a summary of the current channel modeling approaches used by industry, academia, and standardisation bodies. Furthermore, the book is structured to allow the reader to easily progress through the chapters in order to gain an understanding of the fundamental and mathematical principles behind MIMO. It also provides examples (i.e. Kroenecker model, Weicheselberger model, geometric and deterministic models, and ray tracing), system scenarios, trade-offs, and visual explanations. The authors explain and demonstrate the use and application of these models at system level.Key Features:Provides a summary of the current channel modeling approaches used by industry, academia and standardisation bodiesContains experimental and measurement based resultsProvides a comprehensive down to earth approach with concise and visual explanations of MIMO Radio ChannelCovers a variety of system scenarios and explains the trade-offs involved in eachAccompanying website containing MATLAB code and solutions to related problemshttp://www.tim.brown76.name/MIMObook)Practical Guide to the MIMO Radio Channel with MATLAB examples is an invaluable reference for RD engineers and professionals in industry requiring familiarisation with the concept, and engineers entering the field or working in related fields seeking an introduction to the topic. Postgraduate and graduate students will also find this book of interest.
Preface xiList of Abbreviations xiiiList of Symbols xvii1 Introduction 11.1 From SISO to MISO/ SIMO to MIMO 21.1.1 Single Input Single Output SISO 21.1.2 Single Input Multiple Output, SIMO, and Multiple Input Single Output, MISO 31.1.3 Multiple Input Multiple Output, MIMO 61.2 What Do We Need MIMO For? 71.2.1 The Single User Perspective 81.2.2 The Multiple User Perspective 81.3 How Does MIMO Work? Two Analogies 101.3.1 The Single User Perspective 101.3.2 The Multiple User Perspective 121.4 Conditions for MIMO to Work 131.5 How Long Has MIMO Been Around? 141.6 Where is MIMO Being Used? 151.7 Purpose of the Book 162 Capacity of MIMO Channels 172.1 Some Background on Digital Communication Systems 182.1.1 Generation of Digital Signals 182.1.2 Conversion/Formatting for Transmission 192.1.3 Complex Baseband Representation 192.1.4 Decoder 192.2 Notion of Capacity 202.2.1 Abstract Communication System 202.2.2 Definition of Capacity 222.2.3 Capacity Achieving Transceivers 232.3 Channel State Information and Fading 242.3.1 Fast and Slow Fading 242.3.2 Channel State Information 262.4 Narrowband MIMO Model 272.5 Capacity of the Time-Invariant Channel 282.5.1 Capacity of the Time-Invariant SISO Channel 292.5.2 Time-Invariant SIMO Channel 302.5.3 Time-Invariant MISO Channel 322.5.4 Time-Invariant MIMO Channel: A Set of Parallel Independent AWGN Channels 342.5.5 Maximal Achievable Rate for Fixed Input Covariance Matrix 432.6 Fast Fading Channels with CSIT Distribution: Ergodic Capacity 462.6.1 Ergodic Capacity: Basic Principles 472.6.2 Fast Fading SISO Channel with CSIT Distribution 472.6.3 Fast Fading SIMO Channel with CSIT Distribution 482.6.4 Fast Fadi


저자(글) Tim Brown

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Dr Tim Brown, University of Surrey, Guildford, UK is a lecturer in mobile communications at the University of Surrey, UK, where he is conducting research in MIMO as well as teaching courses and seminars that include introducing MIMO as well as other aspects of mobile communications.Dr Persefoni Kyritsi, Aalborg University, Denmark has worked in wireless communications for Lucent Technologies Bell Labs, in wireline communications for Deutsche Telekom, Frankfurt, and in circuit design for Intel Corporation and the Nokia Research Center, Helsinki- Finland. In 2001 she joined Aalborg University as an assistant research professor. From September 2003 until August 2005, she was a visiting researcher at the Department of Mathematics, Stanford University. Since September 2005, she holds the position of Assistant Professor at the Antennas, Propagation and Radio Networking Section at Aalborg UniversityDr Elisabeth De Carvalho, Aalborg University was a post-doc at Stanford University, USA in 1999-2001. In 2001-2005, she worked in 2 start-ups in the USA and France. She also held short-term positions at Deutsche Telekom, and Lucent Technologies, Bell Labs, USA. She has worked on several aspects of wireless communications (GSM, CDMA, OFDM, wireless LANs, IEEE 802.16) and wireline communications (xDSL). In 2005, she joined Aalborg University as an Associate Professor. She has managed a project in collaboration with Samsung Electronics, Korea including 20 researchers and focusing mainly on MIMO and relay communications.

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