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Big Data Meets Survey Science


2020년 08월 27일 출간

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ISBN 9781118976333
쪽수 784쪽
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이 상품이 속한 분야

Offers a clear view of the utility and place for survey data within the broader Big Data ecosystem This book presents a collection of snapshots from two sides of the Big Data perspective. It assembles an array of tangible tools, methods, and approaches that illustrate how Big Data sources and methods are being used in the survey and social sciences to improve official statistics and estimates for human populations. It also provides examples of how survey data are being used to evaluate and improve the quality of insights derived from Big Data. Big Data Meets Survey Science: A Collection of Innovative Methods shows how survey data and Big Data are used together for the benefit of one or more sources of data, with numerous chapters providing consistent illustrations and examples of survey data enriching the evaluation of Big Data sources. Examples of how machine learning, data mining, and other data science techniques are inserted into virtually every stage of the survey lifecycle are presented. Topics covered include: Total Error Frameworks for Found Data; Performance and Sensitivities of Home Detection on Mobile Phone Data; Assessing Community Wellbeing Using Google Street View and Satellite Imagery; Using Surveys to Build and Assess RBS Religious Flag; and more. Presents groundbreaking survey methods being utilized today in the field of Big Data
  • Introduction (Hill, Biemer, Buskirk, Japec, Kirchner, Kolenikov, Lyberg) Section 1: The New Survey Landscape 1. Why Machines Matter for Survey and Social Science Researchers: Exploring Applications of Machine Learning Methods for Design, Data Collection, and Analysis Trent D. Buskirk and Antje Kirchner 2. The Future Is Now: How Surveys Can Harness Social Media To Address 21st Century Challenges Amelia Burke-Garcia, Brad Edwards, and Ting Yan 3. Linking Survey Data with Commercial or Administrative Data for Data Quality Assessment A. Rupa Datta, Gabriel Ugarte, and Dean Resnick Section 2: Total Error and Data Quality 4. Total Error Frameworks for Hybrid Estimation and Their Applications Paul P. Biemer and Ashley Amaya 5. Measuring the Strength of Attitudes in Social Media Dataa Ashley Amaya, Ruben a, Frauke Kreuter, and Florian Keusch 6. Attention to Campaign Events: Do Twitter and Self-Report Metrics Tell the Same Story? Josh Pasek, Lisa O. Singh, Yifang Wei, Stuart N. Soroka, Jonathan M. Ladd, Michael W. Traugott, Ceren Budak, Leticia Bode, and Frank Newport 7. Improving Quality of Administrative Data: A Case Study with FBI’s National Incident-Based Reporting System Data Dan Liao, Marcus Berzofsky, Lance Couzens, Ian Thomas, and Alexia Cooper 8. Performance and Sensitivities of Home Detection on Mobile Phone Data Maarten Vanhoof, Clement Lee, and Zbigniew Smoreda Section 3: Big Data in Official Statistics 9. Big Data Initiatives in Official Statistics Lilli Japec and Lars Lyberg 10. Big Data in Official Statistics: A Perspective from Statistics Netherlands Barteld Braaksma, Kees Zeelenberg, and Sofie De Broe 11. Mining the New Oil for Official Statistics Siu-Min


    저자(글) Craig A. Hill

    Craig A. Hill, PhD, is Senior Vice President at RTI International and focuses on application of new technology to quantitative social science research. He is also the lead editor of Social Media, Sociality, and Survey Research (Wiley, 2013). Paul P. Biemer, PhD, is Distinguished Fellow, Statistics at RTI International. He is an author, co-author, and co-editor of 6 other books published by Wiley. Trent D. Buskirk, PhD, is the Novak Family Distinguished Professor of Data Science and the Chair of the Applied Statistics and Operations Research Department in the College of Business at Bowling Green State University. Lilli Japec, PhD, former Director of Research and Development Department at Statistics Sweden. She co-chaired AAPOR's Task Force on Big Data. Antje Kirchner, PhD, is a Survey Methodologist at RTI International. She is the Chair of the Scientific Committee of the Big Data Meets Survey Science (BigSurv20) conference. Stanislav (Stas) Kolenikov, PhD, is Principal Scientist at Abt Associates. His work focuses on survey statistics, including issues in sampling, weighting, variance estimation, multiple imputation, and small area estimation. Lars E. Lyberg, PhD, is former Head of the Research and Development Department at Statistics Sweden. He is the founder of the Journal of Official Statistics (JOS) and served as its Chief Editor for 25 years.

    저자(글) Paul P. Biemer

    저자(글) Trent D. Buskirk

    저자(글) Lilli Japec

    저자(글) Antje Kirchner

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