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Next Generation HALT and HASS


2016년 03월 08일 출간

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이 상품이 속한 분야

Next Generation HALT and HASS presents a major paradigm shift from reliability prediction-based methods to discovery of electronic systems reliability risks. This is achieved by integrating highly accelerated life test (HALT) and highly accelerated stress screen (HASS) into a physics-of-failure-based robust product and process development methodology. The new methodologies challenge misleading and sometimes costly mis-application of probabilistic failure prediction methods (FPM) and provide a new deterministic map for reliability development. The authors clearly explain the new approach with a logical progression of problem statement and solutions. The book helps engineers employ HALT and HASS by illustrating why the misleading assumptions used for FPM are invalid. Next, the application of HALT and HASS empirical discovery methods to quickly find unreliable elements in electronics systems gives readers practical insight to the techniques. The physics of HALT and HASS methodologies are highlighted, illustrating how they uncover and isolate software failures due to hardware-software interactions in digital systems. The use of empirical operational stress limits for the development of future tools and reliability discriminators is described. Key features: * Provides a clear basis for moving from statistical reliability prediction models to practical methods of insuring and improving reliability. * Challenges existing failure prediction methodologies by highlighting their limitations using real field data. * Explains a practical approach to why and how HALT and HASS are applied to electronics and electromechanical systems. * Presents opportunities to develop reliability test discriminators for prognostics using empirical stress limits. * Guides engineers and managers on the benefits of the deterministic and more efficient methods of HALT and HASS. * Integrates the empirical limit discov
Introduction I. Basis and Limitations of Current Reliability Methods and Metrics II. A New Approach to Ensuring Product Reliability Next Generation HALT and HASS Integrated into Product Development III. The HALT and HASS Methodology Fundamentals of HALT and HASS and Correct Application HALT Benefits for Software and Firmware Development IV. Quantitative Accelerated Life Test (QALT) When to Apply QALT Pitfalls and Limitations Analysis and Extrapolation V. Failure Analysis, Corrective Action, and Knowledge Capture VI. Additional Applications of HALT Methods Appendix: Additional HALT Case Studies Chapter 1: Basis and Limitations of Typical Current Reliability Methods & Metrics 1.1 The Life Cycle Bathtub Curve 1.1.1 Real Electronics Life Cycle Curve 1.2 HALT and HASS Approach 1.3 The Future of Electronics: Higher Densities, Speeds and Lower Power 1.3.1 There is a Drain in the Bathtub Curve 1.4 Reliability Testing 1.5 Traditional Reliability Development Bibliography Chapter 2: The Need for Reliability Assurance Metrics to Change 2.1 Wear Out and Technology Obsolescence of Electronics 2.1.1 Semiconductor Mechanisms 2.2 Predicting Reliability 2.3 Continued Reliance on a Misleading Approach: Summary and Conclusions 2.3.1 Introduction 2.3.2 Prediction History 2.3.3 Technical Limitations 2.3.4 Insight into How or Why a Failure Occurs 2.4 Efforts to Improve Prediction Tools and Their Limitations 2.4.1 Technical Studies Past and Present 2.4.2 Stress-Strength Diagram and Electronics Capability 2.4.3 Testing to Discover Reliability Risks 2.5 Stress Strength Normal Assumption 2.6 A Major Challenge Distributions Data 2.7 HALT Maximizes the Design’s Mean Strength Chapter 3: Challenges to Advan


저자(글) Kirk A. Gray

Kirk Gray has over thirty-three years of experience in the electronics manufacturing industry. He began his career in electronics in semiconductor manufacturing equipment and progressing to validation and reliability testing at the system level. Starting in 1989 he worked closely with Gregg Hobbs Ph.D., the inventor of the methods of Highly Accelerated Life Test (HALT) and Highly Accelerated Stress Screening (HASS) at Storage Technology and later QualMark. He has been teaching, consulting, and applying HALT and HASS since 1992. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering from the University of Texas at Austin and is a Senior Member of the IEEE. He was a past Chairperson of IEEE/CPMT Technical Committee on Accelerated Stress Testing and is a Senior Collaborator with the CALCE Consortium at The University of Maryland. He is the owner and Principal Consultant at Accelerated Reliability Solutions, LLC John Paschkewitz has over 40 years’ experience in product assurance, testing, reliability and sustaining engineering in several industries. He has been applying HALT and HASS since 1998. He holds a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Wisconsin - Madison and a M.A. in Business Management from Central Michigan University. He is a registered Professional Engineer and ASQ Certified Reliability Engineer (CRE), a Senior Member of ASQ and a Member of SAE and ASME. He is now owner and Principal Consultant of Product Assurance Engineering, LLC.

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