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Global Tectonics

Philip Kearey 지음

2013년 05월 28일 출간

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이 상품이 속한 분야

The third edition of this widely acclaimed textbook provides a comprehensive introduction to all aspects of global tectonics, and includes major revisions to reflect the most significant recent advances in the field. A fully revised third edition of this highly acclaimed text written by eminent authors including one of the pioneers of plate tectonic theoryMajor revisions to this new edition reflect the most significant recent advances in the field, including new and expanded chapters on Precambrian tectonics and the supercontinent cycle and the implications of plate tectonics for environmental changeCombines a historical approach with process science to provide a careful balance between geological and geophysical material in both continental and oceanic regimesDedicated website available atwww.blackwellpublishing.com/kearey/
Preface.Acknowledgments.1. Historical perspective.1.1 Continental drift.1.2 Sea floor spreading and the birth of plate tectonics.1.3 Geosynclinal theory.1.4 Impact of plate tectonics.2. The interior of the Earth.2.1 Earthquake seismology.2.1.1 Introduction.2.1.2 Earthquake descriptors.2.1.3 Seismic waves.2.1.4 Earthquake location.2.1.5 Mechanism of earthquakes.2.1.6 Focal mechanism solutions of earthquakes.2.1.7 Ambiguity in focal mechanism solutions.2.1.8 Seismic tomography.2.2 Velocity structure of the Earth.2.3 Composition of the Earth.2.4 The crust.2.4.1 The continental crust.2.4.2 Upper continental crust.2.4.3 Middle and lower continental crust.2.4.4 The oceanic crust.2.4.5 Oceanic layer Oceanic layer Oceanic layer 3.2.5 Ophiolites.2.6 Metamorphism of oceanic crust.2.7 Differences between continental and oceanic crust.2.8 The mantle.2.8.1 Introduction.2.8.2 Seismic structure of the mantle.2.8.3 Mantle composition.2.8.4 The mantle low velocity zone.2.8.5 The mantle transition zone.2.8.6 The lower mantle.2.9 The core.2.10 Rheology of the crust and mantle.2.10.1 Introduction.2.10.2 Brittle deformation.2.10.3 Ductile deformation.2.10.4 Lithospheric strength profiles,.2.10.5 Measuring continental deformation.2.10.6 Deformation in the mantle.2.11 Isostasy.2.11.1 Introduction.2.11.2 Airy&-s hypothesis.2.11.3 Pratt&-s hypothesis.2.11.4 Flexure of the lithosphere.2.11.5 Isostatic rebound.2.11.6 Tests of isostasy.2.12 Lithosphere and asthenosphere.2.13 Terrestrial heat flow.3. Continental drift.3.1 Introduction.3.2 Continental reconstructions.3.2.1 Euler&-s theorem.3.2.2 Geometric reconstructions of continents.3.2.3 The reconstruction of continents around the Atlantic.3.2.4 The reconstruction of Gondwana.3.3 Geologic evidence for continenta

"Many readers will be familiar with this excellent textbook . . . The subject coverage is more comprehensive than in previous editions with many of the processes and concepts being illustrated with case studies drawn from the recent literature. " (Mar Geophys Res, 2009)"A massive list of mostly critical references cites the most important works the world over." (CHOICE, November 2009)"An excellent in‑depth overview on one of the most revo­lutionary topics in the earth sciences. … Not only clear and comprehensive, but also pleasant to read. It is a highly recommended must‑have on the bookshelves of earth scien­tists for some time to come." (Geologos, December 2009)"Global Tectonics will find its place in all well equipped libraries and a personal copy will be of use for any geoscientist who needs a comprehensive overview." (Surveys in Geophysics, September 2009)"This textbook provides a comprehensive overview of the field of global tectonics. Because the field has changed significantly since the last edition was published, the majority of text and figures in the third edition are new." (Book News, September 2009)


저자(글) Philip Kearey

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Phil Kearey was Senior Lecturer in Applied Geophysics in the Department of Earth Sciences at Bristol University, U.K. prior to his premature death in 2003. In his research he used various types of geophysical data, but gravity and magnetic data in particular, to elucidate crustal structure in the eastern Caribbean, Canadian shield and southern England. Keith Klepeis is aProfessor in the Department of Geology at the University of Vermont, U.S.A. He specializes in the areas of structural geology and continental tectonics and has worked extensively on the evolution of orogenic belts and fault systems in New Zealand, Patagonia, West Antarctica, Australia, British Columbia and southeast Alaska.Fred Vine is an Emeritus Professor in the School of Environmental Sciences at the University of East Anglia, Norwich, U.K. He was made a Fellow of the Royal Society of London and has received numerous awards for work on the interpretation of oceanic magnetic anomalies and ophiolites, fragments of oceanic crust thrust up on land, in terms of sea floor spreading.

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