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Essentials of Chemical Biology


2013년 05월 03일 출간

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이 상품이 속한 분야

"This excellent work fills the need for an upper-level graduate course resource that examines the latest biochemical, biophysical, and molecular biological methods for analyzing the structures and physical properties of biomolecules#8230; This reviewer showed [the book] to several of his senior graduate students, and they unanimously gave the book rave reviews. Summing Up: Highly recommended#8230;" CHOICEChemical biology is a rapidly developing branch of chemistry, which sets out to understand the way biology works at the molecular level. Fundamental to chemical biology is a detailed understanding of the syntheses, structures and behaviours of biological macromolecules and macromolecular lipid assemblies that together represent the primary constituents of all cells and all organisms. The subject area of chemical biology bridges many different disciplines and is fast becoming an integral part of academic and commercial research.This textbook is designed specifically as a key teaching resource for chemical biology that is intended to build on foundations lain down by introductory physical and organic chemistry courses. This book is an invaluable text for advanced undergraduates taking biological, bioorganic, organic and structural chemistry courses. It is also of interest to biochemists and molecular biologists, as well as professionals within the medical and pharmaceutical industry.Key Features:A comprehensive introduction to this dynamic area of chemistry, which will equip chemists for the task of understanding and studying the underlying principles behind the functioning of biological macro molecules, macromolecular lipid assemblies and cells.Covers many basic concepts and ideas associated with the study of the interface between chemistry and biology.Includes pedagogical features such as: key examples, glossary of equations, further reading and links to websites.Clearly written and richly illustrated i
Preface.Glossary of physical terms.1. The structures of biological macromolecules and lipid assemblies.1.1. General introduction.1.2. Protein structure.1.3. Carbohydrate structure.1.4. Nucleic acid structure.1.5. Macromolecular lipid assemblies.1.6. Structural forces in biological macromolecules.2. Chemical and biological synthesis.2.1. Introduction to synthesis in chemical biology.2.2. Chemical synthesis of peptides and proteins.2.3. Chemical synthesis of nucleic acids.2.4. Chemical synthesis of oligosaccharides.2.5. Chemical synthesis of lipids.2.6. Biological synthesis of biological macromolecules.2.7. Directed biological synthesis of proteins.2.8. Biological syntheses of nucleic acids, oligosaccharides and lipids.3. Molecular biology as a toolset for chemical biology.3.1. Key concepts in molecular biology.3.2. Tools and techniques in molecular biology.3.3. Cloning and identification of genes in DNA.3.4. Integrating cloning and expression.3.5. Site-directed mutagenesis4. Electronic and vibrational spectroscopy.4.1. Electronic and vibrational spectroscopy in chemical biology.4.2. UV-visible spectroscopy.4.3. Circular dichroism spectroscopy.4.4. Vibrational spectroscopy.4.5. Fluorescence spectroscopy.4.6. Probing metal centres by absorption spectroscopy.5. Magnetic resonance.5.1. Magnetic resonance in chemical biology.5.2. Key principles of NMR.5.3. Two-dimensional NMR.5.4. Multi-dimensional NMR.5.5. Biological macromolecule structural information.5.6. EPR spectroscopy; key principles.6. Diffraction and microscopy.6.1. Diffraction and microscopy in chemical biology.6.2. Key principles of X-ray diffraction.6.3. Structural information from X-ray diffraction.6.4. Neutron diffraction.6.5. Key principles of electron microscopy.6.6. Key principles of scanning probe microscopy.7. Molecular recog

?Essentials in Chemical Biology is a valuable resource not only for chemistry students who are venturing into and interested in biological systems, but also biochemistry and biology students who want a fundamental understanding of the physical and chemical basis of biology and the techniques used in its study.? (Chemistry World, August 2009)"The succinct and lucid presentation style of Essentials Of Chemical Biology will likely make it a popular resource for undergraduate and graduate students interested in the structure and interaction of biologically relevant macromolecules." (Journal of Chemical Biology, February 2009)"This excellent work fills the need for an upper-level graduate course resource that examines the latest biochemical, biophysical, and molecular biological methods for analyzing the structures and physical properties of biomolecules. Miller (Imperial College London, UK) and Tanner (Univ. of Hong Kong) cover traditional subjects such as binding interactions and catalysis. They also describe biophysical theories and current methods for protein structure determinations such as circular dichroism, X-ray crystallography, neutron diffraction, NMR, EPR, fluorescence, mass spectrometry, and electron and atomic force microscopy. For example, the chapter on solution NMR provides simplified yet high-quality explanations of the key principles of NMR. The well-developed introduction helps students to better follow the more complex information concerning the principles of multidimensional NMR. In addition, the latter part of the chapter offers current applications using a variety of multidimensional NMR spectroscopy experiments in the analysis of proteins, nucleic acid, carbohydrate, and lipid structures. This reviewer showed Essentials of Chemical Biology to several of his senior graduate students, and they unanimously gave the book rave reviews. The work could be improved by better referencing the resource materials with


저자(글) Andrew D. Miller

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