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Orbital Interactions in Chemistry


2013년 03월 28일 출간

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이 상품이 속한 분야

Explains the underlying structure that unites all disciplines in chemistryNow in its second edition, this book explores organic, organometallic, inorganic, solid state, and materials chemistry, demonstrating how common molecular orbital situations arise throughout the whole chemical spectrum. The authors explore the relationships that enable readers to grasp the theory that underlies and connects traditional fields of study within chemistry, thereby providing a conceptual framework with which to think about chemical structure and reactivity problems.Orbital Interactions in Chemistry begins by developing models and reviewing molecular orbital theory. Next, the book explores orbitals in the organic#45;main group as well as in solids. Lastly, the book examines orbital interaction patterns that occur in inorganic#150;organometallic fields as well as cluster chemistry, surface chemistry, and magnetism in solids.This Second Edition has been thoroughly revised and updated with new discoveries and computational tools since the publication of the first edition more than twenty#45;five years ago. Among the new content, readers will find:Two new chapters dedicated to surface science and magnetic propertiesAdditional examples of quantum calculations, focusing on inorganic and organometallic chemistryExpanded treatment of group theoryNew results from photoelectron spectroscopyEach section ends with a set of problems, enabling readers to test their grasp of new concepts as they progress through the text. Solutions are available on the book#39;s ftp site.Orbital Interactions in Chemistry is written for both researchers and students in organic, inorganic, solid state, materials, and computational chemistry. All readers will discover the underlying structure that unites all disciplines in chemistry.
Preface xiAbout the Authors xiiiChapter 1 Atomic and Molecular Orbitals 11.1 Introduction 11.2 Atomic Orbitals 11.3 Molecular Orbitals 7Chapter 2 Concepts of Bonding and Orbital Interaction 152.1 Orbital Interaction Energy 152.2 Molecular Orbital Coefficients 202.3 The Two-Orbital Problem-Summary 242.4 Electron Density Distribution 26Chapter 3 Perturbational Molecular Orbital Theory 323.1 Introduction 323.2 Intermolecular Perturbation 353.3 Linear H3, HF, and the Three-Orbital Problem 383.4 Degenerate Perturbation 43Chapter 4 Symmetry 474.1 Introduction 474.2 Symmetry of Molecules 474.3 Representations of Groups 534.4 Symmetry Properties of Orbitals 594.5 Symmetry-Adapted Wavefunctions 624.6 Direct Products 654.7 Symmetry Properties, Integrals, and the Noncrossing Rule 674.8 Principles of Orbital Construction Using Symmetry Principles 694.9 Symmetry Properties of Molecular Vibrations 73Chapter 5 Molecular Orbital Construction from Fragment Orbitals 785.1 Introduction 785.2 Triangular H3 785.3 Rectangular and Square Planar H4 825.4 Tetrahedral H4 845.5 Linear H4 865.6 Pentagonal H5 and Hexagonal H6 885.7 Orbitals of Cyclic Systems 91Chapter 6 Molecular Orbitals of Diatomic Molecules and Electronegativity Perturbation 976.1 Introduction 976.2 Orbital Hybridization 986.3 Molecular Orbitals of Diatomic Molecules 996.4 Electronegativity Perturbation 1056.5 Photoelectron Spectroscopy and Through-Bond Conjugation 112Chapter 7 Molecular Orbitals and Geometrical Perturbation 1237.1 Molecular Orbitals of AH2 1237.2 Geometrical Perturbation 1287.3 Walsh Diagrams 1317.4 Jahn-Teller Distortions 1347.5 Bond Orbitals and


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THOMAS A. ALBRIGHT, PhD, is Professor Emeritus in the Department of Chemistry at the University of Houston. He was a Camille and Henry Dreyfus Teacher#45;Scholar and an Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellow. He has been interested in exploring reaction dynamics in organometallic chemistry.The late JEREMY K. BURDETT, PhD, was Professor and Chair of the Chemistry Department at the University of Chicago. Dr. Burdett was awarded the Tilden Prize and Meldola Medal by the Royal Society of Chemistry. He was also a Camille and Henry Dreyfus Teacher#45;Scholar and a Fellow of the John Guggenheim Memorial Foundation and Alfred P. Sloan Foundation.MYUNG#45;HWAN WHANGBO, PhD, is Distinguished Professor in the Chemistry Department of North Carolina State University. He has been awarded the Camille and Henry Dreyfus Fellowship, the Alexander von Humboldt Research Award to Senior Scientists, the Ho#45;Am Prize in Science, and Docteur Honoris Causa from Universit de Nantes.

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