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Water-Quality Engineering in Natural Systems

David A. Chin 지음

2012년 10월 16일 출간

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이 상품이 속한 분야

Provides the tools needed to control and remediate the quality of natural water systemsNow in its Second Edition, this acclaimed text sets forth core concepts and principles that govern the fate and transport of contaminants in water, giving environmental and civil engineers and students a full set of tools to design systems that effectively control and remediate the quality of natural waters. Readers will find coverage of all major classes of water bodies. Moreover, the author discusses the terrestrial fate and transport of contaminants in watersheds, underscoring the link between terrestrial loadings and water pollution.Water#45;Quality Engineering in Natural Systems begins with an introduction exploring the sources of water pollution and the control of water pollution. It then presents the fundamentals of fate and transport, including the derivation and application of the advection#150;diffusion equation. Next, the text covers issues that are unique to:Rivers and streamsGroundwaterWatershedsLakes and reservoirsWetlandsOceans and estuariesThe final two chapters are dedicated to analyzing water#45;quality measurements and modeling water quality.This Second Edition is thoroughly updated based on the latest findings, practices, and standards. In particular, readers will find new methods for calculating total maximum daily loads for river contaminants, with specific examples detailing the fate and transport of bacteria, a pressing problem throughout the world.With end#45;of#45;chapter problems and plenty of worked examples, Water#45;Quality Engineering in Natural Systems enables readers to not only understand what happens to contaminants in water, but also design systems to protect people from toxic pollutants.
PREFACE xvii1 INTRODUCTION 11.1 The Problem 11.2 Sources of Water Pollution 21.2.1 Point Sources Domestic Wastewater Discharges Combined Sewer Overfl ows Stormwater Discharges Industrial Discharges Spills 41.2.2 Nonpoint Sources Agricultural Runoff Livestock Urban Runoff Landfi lls Recreational Activities 51.3 Control of Water Pollution 52 WATER QUALITY 72.1 Introduction 72.2 Physical Measures 72.2.1 Flow Conditions 72.2.2 Substrate 82.2.3 In-Stream Habitat 92.2.4 Riparian Habitat 92.2.5 Thermal Pollution 102.3 Chemical Measures 102.3.1 Dissolved Oxygen 102.3.2 Biochemical Oxygen Demand 122.3.3 Suspended Solids 142.3.4 Nutrients Nitrogen Phosphorus 162.3.5 Metals 172.3.6 Synthetic Organic Chemicals Pesticides Volatile Organic Compounds 182.3.7 Radionuclides 182.3.8 pH 192.4 Biological Measures 192.4.1 Human Pathogenic Microorganisms 202.4.2 Indicator Organisms 232.4.3 Biological Integrity 24Problems 253 FUNDAMENTALS OF FATE AND TRANSPORT 273.1 Introduction 273.2 The Advection&n-Diffusion Equation 273.2.1 Nondimensional Form 293.2.2 Transformation to the Diffusion Equation 313.2.2.1 Conservative Tracers 313.2.2.2 Nonconservative Tracers with First-Order Decay 323.2.3 Moment Property of the Diffusion Equation 323.3 Fundamental Solutions of the Advection&n-Diffusion Equation 333.3.1 Diffusion in One Dimension 343.3.1.1 Spatially and Temporally Distributed Sources 363.3.1.2 Impermeable Boundaries 393.3.1.3 Continuous Plane Source 42<

“This book is obviously a very valuable tool for the specialists in the field, for researchers, and students for enlarging their horizon on water-quality engineering in natural systems.”& (Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, 1 April 2013)“This well-organized, comprehensive book is intended to be used as the sole water quality textbook for upper-level undergraduate and graduate courses, but it would also make an excellent reference for environmental engineering professionals. Summing Up: Highly recommended. Upper-division undergraduates through professionals/practitioners.”& (Choice, 1 August 2013)&&


저자(글) David A. Chin

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저자 :
DAVID A. CHIN, PhD, is Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Miami as well as a registered Professional Engineer. Dr. Chin has published extensively, with important contributions on the fate and transport of contaminants in rivers, groundwater, oceans, and watersheds. His research interests also extend to wetland hydrology and vadose#45;zone hydrology. Dr. Chin is a recipient of the prestigious Collingwood Prize awarded by the American Society of Civil Engineers.

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