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Medical Disorders in Pregnancy


2012년 11월 28일 출간

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Praise for the 1st edition: quot;This book is a must have for any midwife, particularly those working in the community, clinics and in high-risk areas.... This book is an extremely useful reference tool.quot; (MIDIRS Midwifery Digest)quot;The important facts are laid out concisely, primarily focusing on management, using evidence based guidelines for best midwifery practice.quot; (RCGP Journal)Medical Disorders in Pregnancy: A Guide for Midwives, 2nd edition clearly outlines existing and pre-existing conditions which women can experience during pregnancy. This comprehensive and practical handbook identifies issues for pre-conception care, defines the condition, explores possible complications, outlines recommended treatment and emphasizes specific midwifery care.This fully revised and updated edition of Medical Disorders in Pregnancy: A Guide for Midwives builds on the success of the first edition by covering more subjects. It includes physiology, more illustrations and algorithms and its accessible reference-style text enables information to be quickly and easily found.Special FeaturesA practical guide on medical disorders written specifically for midwivesJointly written by medical and midwifery experts in the fieldAccessible reference style format makes information easy and quick to findEmphasis on inter-professional workingam
Companion Website details viiiContributors ixAcknowledgements xiAcronyms, Abbreviations and Cardiac Terms xiiiForeword xviiForeword to the First Edition xixPreface xxi1 Midwifery Care and Medical Disorders 1S. Elizabeth RobsonPre-conception Care 2Antenatal Care 2Intrapartum Care 5Postnatal Care 6General Considerations 7Emergency Management 9Preventing Maternal Mortality 9Back to Basics Campaign 12Patient Organisations and Essential Reading 13References 14Appendix 1.1 UK Maternal Deaths &n- Causes and Risk Factors 15Appendix 1.2 Daily Vitamin and Mineral Dietary Intake for Pregnancy and Lactation 162 Skin Disorders 17Catherine Gittins and Rhoda Cowell2.1 Physiological Skin Changes in Pregnancy 182.2 Dermatoses Specifi c to Pregnancy 192.3 Eczema 202.4 Psoriasis 22Patient Organisations and Essential Reading 24References 25Appendix 2.2.1 Emollients and Steroid Creams 263 Hypertensive Disorders 27Sophia Webster, Claire Dodd and Jason Waugh3.1 Chronic Hypertension 283.2 Pre-eclampsia 343.3 Severe Pre-eclampsia and Eclampsia 363.4 HELLP Syndrome 38Patient Organisations and Essential Reading 40References 414 Heart Disease 43Moira McLean, Frances A. Bu&'Lock and S. Elizabeth Robson4.1 Mild Structural Heart Disease 444.2 Moderate Structural Heart Disease 484.3 Severe Structural Heart Disease 514.4 Rheumatic and Valvular Heart Disease 544.5 Marfan&'s Syndrome 564.6 Functional Heart Disease: Cardiomyopathy 584.7 Functional Heart Disease: Arrhythmias 604.8 Ischaemic Heart Disease: Angina and Myocardial Infarction 624.9 Pulmonary Hypertension and Eisenmenger&'s Syndrome 644.10 Heart Transplant 66Patient Organisations and

Reviews of 1st edition:"The important facts are laid out concisely, primarily focusing on management and using evidence-based guidelines for best midwifery practice." (The Obstetrician Gynaecologist, 2010)"A strength of this book is that it has an unashamedly simple at-a-glance format, easy to get used to. The chapters are based on the traditional systems approach with sections dealing with disorders and diseases...the important facts are laid out concisely, primarily focusing on management, using evidence based guidelines for best midwifery practice." (RCGP Journal, April 2010)“This is an excellent book for use in the clinical arena by nurse midwives, nurses, and other healthcare practitioners caring for women with preexisting medical problems.” (Doody's Reviews, June 2009)"The editors highlight recognition of deviation from the normal as an essential component of midwifery and have provided a manual that will be appreciated by midwives in all areas of practice and will be of great value to students studying high-risk modules." (Midwives, April/May 2009)"This book is a must have for any midwife, particularly those working in the community, clinics and in high-risk areas.... This book is an extremely useful reference tool. For students midwives it is an essential read when undertaking the 'complications' module of their course." (MIDIRS Midwifery Digest, January 2009)I am currently a final year student midwife and can confidently say that this book has a simple with easy to read definitions of each disorder. It has clear details on the management in pregnancy, labour and following birth from a midwifery perspective - a must for any student midwife and a fantastic reference for all qualified midwives. (5* Amazon Review )"This book is a long awaited text providing a comprehensive look at many of the medical conditions encountered by women during childbirth. Other t


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S. Elizabeth Robson is Principal Lecturer in Midwifery at De Montfort University, Leicester, UK. With 25 years of experience as a midwifery lecturer, she leads a module on medical disorders for student midwives with a particular interest in immunology. Her link lecturer areas comprise a high-risk maternity ward and community team. She has presented nationally, and has a number of publications.Jason Waugh is Consultant in Obstetrics and Maternal Medicine at the Royal Victoria Infirmary, Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK. He has published extensively in the fields of hypertension and renal and cardiovascular disease in pregnancy as well as producing national guidelines for the management of pre-eclampsia and renal disease. He is President of the UK's Macdonald Obstetric Medicine Society.

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