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Vital Voices

Alyse Nelson 지음

2012년 05월 16일 출간

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이 상품이 속한 분야

How women around the world are leading powerful changeWomen's progress is global progress. Where there is an increase in women's university enrollment rates, women's earnings, and maternal health, and a reduction in violence against women, we see more prosperous communities, better educated, healthier families, and the preservation of equal human rights. Yet globally, women remain the most consistently under-utilized resource. Vital Voices calls for and makes possible transformative leadership around the world.In Vital Voices, CEO Alyse Nelson shares the stories of remarkable, world-changing women, as well as the story of how Vital Voices was founded, crossing lines that typically divide. For 15 years, Vital Voices has brought together women who want to enable others to become change agents in their governments, advocates for social justice, and supporters of democracy. They equip women with management and business development skills to expand their enterprises and create jobs in their communities. Their voices, stories, and hard-earned lessonsm-shared here for the first timem-are deeply authentic and truly vital.Features interviews and first-person accounts of global leaders, such as Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, president of Liberia, and Aung San Suu Kyi, Nobel Prize-winning Burmese pro-democracy leader, as well as business leadersDraws on the work of the Vital Voices, the organization founded by Hillary Clinton in 1997 as a government initiative that transformed into a leading non-profit, which enables a network of 10,000 emerging women leaders in politics, human rights, and economic development in 127 countries. These women have gone on to mentor and train more than 500,000Focuses on the key elements of the Vital Voices five-step model of transformational leadership, including how to find a voice, lead with purpose, cross lines that divide, and moreThrough the firsthand accounts o
FOREWORD BY the Honorable Hillary Rodham Clinton, Founder, Vital Voices ixINTRODUCTION xiii1 A DRIVING FORCE OR SENSE OF MISSION 1Introduced by the Honorable Michelle Bachelet2 STRONG ROOTS IN THE COMMUNITY 39Introduced by Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala3 AN ABILITY TO CONNECT ACROSS LINES THAT DIVIDE 83Introduced by Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison4 BOLD IDEAS AND BOLD ACTION 125Introduced by Diane von Furstenberg5 PAYING IT FORWARD 171Introduced by Ambassador Melanne VerveerCONCLUSION: LEADERSHIP IS A JOURNEY, NOT A DESTINATION 207Introduced by Sally FieldAFTERWORD 223by Susan Ann Davis and Bobbie Greene McCarthy, Chair and Vice-Chair, Board of Directors, Vital Voices additional information on the women featured in vital voices 225notes 239acknowledgments 251about the author 263index 265

#8&Washington Post&Best Seller (Hardcover Nonfiction)“In this compelling new book, Alyse Nelson shares the stories of the remarkable women who have motivated her work at Vital Voices. For anyone who wants our world to live up to the promises of the twenty-first century, look no further than these determined agents of change for blueprints on courageous leadership.”&m-Bill Clinton, 42nd President of the United States“This timely book tells the story of a movement that is transforming our world and of an organization&m-Vital Voices&m-is clearing the path.&Its message is about more than equality, it's about leadership, justice, and hearing those who in prior generations possessed only a single right&m-to remain silent.&If you are looking for inspiration about what is possible, and for a challenge about what is still necessary, here is your guide.”&m-Madeleine K. Albright, former U.S. Secretary of State“I have been humbled and inspired throughout my life by the determination of African women and women in other parts of the developing world who are committed to bettering their families and their communities. The power and possibility of women's leadership are captured in this book's innovative model. There has never been a more fitting time for the world to embrace a new brand of leadership by embracing the&power and possibility of women worldwide.”&m-H.E. Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, President of Liberia and 2011 Nobel Peace Prize Laureate“From the poorest villages to the highest government offices, women are leading the way in tackling humanity's biggest challenges. Alyse Nelson's Vital Voices imagines what's possible if we can fully tap the unique leadership potential of all women and girls. This book is essential reading for anyone interested in building a better world.”&m-Melinda F


저자(글) Alyse Nelson

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Alyse Nelson is president and chief executive officer of Vital Voices Global Partnership. A co-founder of Vital Voices, Alyse has worked with women leaders since 1996 to develop mentoring and training programs in over 140 countries and has interviewed more than 200 international leaders. She completed her graduate degree work at Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University, and she lives in Washington, D.C.Vital Voices Global Partnership, founded by Hillary Rodham Clinton, is the leading nongovernmental organization that identifies, trains, and invests in emerging women leaders, enabling them to create a better world for us all. Learn more at www.vitalvoices.org.

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