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The Hobbit and Philosophy

Irwin , William 지음

2012년 09월 18일 출간

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A philosophical exploration of J.R.R. Tolkien's beloved classicm-just in time for the December 2012 release of Peter Jackson's new film adaptation, The Hobbit: An Unexpected JourneyJ.R.R. Tolkien's The Hobbit is one of the best-loved fantasy books of all time and the enchanting quot;prequelquot; to The Lord of the Rings. With the help of some of history's great philosophers, this book ponders a host of deep questions raised in this timeless tale, such as: Are adventures simply quot;nasty, disturbing, uncomfortable thingsquot; that quot;make you late for dinner,quot; or are they exciting and potentially life-changing events? What duties do friends have to one another? Should mercy be extended even to those who deserve to die?Gives you new insights into The Hobbit's central characters, including Bilbo Baggins, Gandalf, Gollum, and Thorin and their exploits, from the Shire through Mirkwood to the Lonely MountainExplores key questions about The Hobbit's story and themes, including: Was the Arkenstone really Bilbo's to give? How should Smaug's treasure have been distributed? Did Thorin leave his quot;beautiful golden harpquot; at Bag-End when he headed out into the Wild? (If so, how much could we get for that on eBay?)Draws on the insights of some of the world's deepest thinkers, from Confucius, Plato, and Aristotle to Immanuel Kant, William Blake, and contemporary American philosopher Thomas NagelFrom the happy halls of Elrond's Last Homely House to Gollum's quot;slimy island of rock,quot;this is a must read for longtime Tolkien fans as well as those discovering Bilbo Baggins and his adventures quot;there and back againquot; for the first time.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: Thag You Very Buch xIntroduction: Never Laugh at Live Philosophers 1Gregory Bassham and Eric BronsonPART ONE DISCOVER YOUR INNER TOOK1 The Adventurous Hobbit 7Gregory Bassham2 “The Road Goes Ever On and On”: A Hobbit&'s Tao 20Michael C. Brannigan3 Big Hairy Feet: A Hobbit&'s Guide to Enlightenment 32Eric Bronson4 Bilbo Baggins: The Cosmopolitan Hobbit 45Dennis KneppPART TWO THE GOOD, THE BAD, AND THE SLIMY5 The Glory of Bilbo Baggins 61Charles Taliaferro and Craig Lindahl-Urben6 Pride and Humility in The Hobbit 74Laura Garcia7 “My Precious”: Tolkien on the Perils of Possessiveness 90Anna Minore and Gregory Bassham8 Tolkien&'s Just War 103David Kyle Johnson9 “Pretty Fair Nonsense”: Art and Beauty in The Hobbit 118Philip Tallon10 Hobbitus Ludens: Why Hobbits Like to Play and Why We Should, Too 129David L. O&'HaraPART THREE RIDDLES AND RINGS11 “The Lord of Magic and Machines”: Tolkien on Magic and Technology 147W. Christopher Stewart12 Inside The Hobbit: Bilbo Baggins and the Paradox of Fiction 161Amy Kind13 Philosophy in the Dark: The Hobbit and Hermeneutics 176Tom GrimwoodPART FOUR BEING THERE AND BACK AGAIN14 Some Hobbits Have All the Luck 193Randall M. Jensen15 The Consolation of Bilbo: Providence and Free Will in Middle-Earth 206Grant Sterling16 Out of the Frying Pan: Courage and Decision Making in Wilderland 218Jamie Carlin Watson17 There and Back Again: A Song of Innocence and Experience 235Joe KrausCONTRIBUTORS: Our Most Excellent and Audacious Contributors 25

“Gregory Bassham and Eric Bronson&'s anthology of essays, 'The Hobbit and Philosophy', may have an overblown title, but the authors do a good job of focusing on themes like possessiveness, providence and free will, courage and decision-making.”& (The Times Literary Supplement, &21 December 2012)


저자(글) Irwin

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Gregory Bassham is Chair of the Philosophy Department at King's College and a professor of philosophy. He edited The Ultimate Harry Potter and Philosophy and co-edited The Chronicles of Narnia and Philosophy (Open Court) and The Lord of the Rings and Philosophy.Eric Bronson is a visiting professor in the Humanities Department at York University in Toronto, Canada. He is the editor of Poker and Philosophy (2012), and co-editor of The Lord of the Rings and Philosophy (2003) and Baseball and Philosophy (2011).William Irwin is Professor of Philosophy at King's College. He originated the philosophy and popular culture genre of books as coeditor of the bestselling The Simpsons and Philosophy and has overseen recent titles including House and Philosophy, Batman and Philosophy, and Alice in Wonderland and Philosophy.

저자(글) William

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