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Complete MBA For Dummies

Kathleen Allen , PhD 지음
For Dummies

2011년 02월 09일 출간

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Want to get an MBA? The Complete MBA For Dummies, 2nd Edition, is the practical, plain-English guide that covers all the basics of a top-notch MBA program, helping you to navigate today-s most innovative business strategies. From management to entrepreneurship to strategic planning, you-ll understand the hottest trends and get the latest techniques for motivating employees, building global partnerships, managing risk, and manufacturing.This fun, easy-to-access guide is full of useful information, tips, and checklists that will help you lead, manage, or participate in any business at a high level of competence. You-ll find out how to use databases to your advantage, recognize and reward your employees, analyze financial statements, and understand the challenges of strategic planning in a global business environment. You-ll also learn the basic principals of accounting, get a grip on the concepts behind stocks and bonds, and find out how technology has revolutionized everything from manufacturing to marketing. Discover how to:Know and respond to your customers- needsHandle budgets and forecastsRecruit and retain top peopleEstablish and run employee teamsUse Sarbanes-Oxley to your company-s advantageNegotiate with the best of themBuild long-term relationships with clientsAvoid common managerial mistakesImprove cash flowMarket your products and servicesMake the most of your advertising dollarOnce you know what an MBA knows, the sky-s the limit. Read The Complete MBA For Dummies, 2nd Edition, and watch your career take off!
Introduction.Part I: The New, Improved World of Business.Chapter 1: The MBA in a Nutshell.Chapter 2: Today&-s Hottest Business Trends.Chapter 3: Entrepreneurship for Everyone.Chapter 4: Global Business: Fun and Profit in Katmandu.Chapter 5: Polish Your Crystal Ball for Some Strategic Planning.Part II: Managing a Business in the New World.Chapter 6: Managing Is Hard; Leading Is Even Harder.Chapter 7: Carrots and Sticks: The ABCs of Motivating Employees.Chapter 8: Hiring and Firing: How to Get Good Employees and Keep Them.Chapter 9: One for All and All for One: Building Teams That Really Work.Part III: Money: What You Don&-t Know Will Hurt You.Chapter 10: All You Ever Wanted to Know about Accounting.Chapter 11: Working Your Way through Financial Statements.Chapter 12: Deciphering the Mysteries of Financial Planning and Analysis.Chapter 13: Understanding Stocks and Bonds.Chapter 14: It Takes Money to Make Money.Part IV: Marketing in the New World.Chapter 15: You Are Nothing without a Customer.Chapter 16: Getting Noticed with Advertising and Promotion.Chapter 17: Navigating the New World of Selling.Part V: Other Important Stuff.Chapter 18: Manufacturing and Distribution: It&-s a Brave New World.Chapter 19: The Ins and Outs of Risk Management.Chapter 20: In Business, Everything Is Negotiation.Chapter 21: Econ 101: The Basics of Economics.Part VI: The Part of Tens.Chapter 22: Ten Biggest Mistakes Managers Make.Chapter 23: Ten Effective Ways to Market Your Products and Services.Chapter 24: Ten (Or So) Steps to Improve Your Cash Flow.Index.


저자(글) Kathleen Allen

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Kathleen R. Allen, PhD, is the author of Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management, 3rd Ed., Launching New Ventures, 5th Ed., Bringing New Technology to Market, and Growing and Managing an Entrepreneurial Business, as well as several other trade books. As a Professor of Entrepreneurship at the Lloyd Greif Center for Entrepreneurial Studies, based in the Marshall School of Business at the University of Southern California, Allen has helped hundreds of entrepreneurs start their ventures. At USC, she-s also director of the Marshall Center for Technology Commercialization, where she works with scientists and engineers to help bring their inventions to market. As an entrepreneur herself, Allen has co-founded four companies and is presently the co-founder and president of N2TEC Institute, which is dedicated to technology-based economic development in rural areas of the United States (www.n2tec.org).Allen holds a PhD from USC, an MBA, and a master-s degree in Romance Languages.Peter Economy (La Jolla, CA) is Associate Editor for the Apex Award~winning magazine Leader to Leader, a member of the National Advisory Council of the Creativity Connection of the Arts and Business Council of Americans for the Arts, a member of the board of directors of SPORTS for Exceptional Athletes (www.s4ea.org), and bestselling co-author of The SAIC Solution: How We Built an $8 Billion Employee-Owned Technology Company. He has also worked on more than 30 other books, including Managing For Dummies, 2nd Ed., The Management Bible, Enterprising Nonprofits: A Toolkit for Social Entrepreneurs, and Writing Children-s Books For Dummies.

저자(글) PhD

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