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Hollywood, Interrupted


2004년 03월 15일 출간

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이 상품이 속한 분야

Hollywood, Interrupted is a sometimes frightening, occasionally sad, and frequently hysterical odyssey into the darkest realms of showbiz pathology, the endless stream of meltdowns and flameouts, and the inexplicable behavior on the part of show business personalities.Charting celebrities from rehab to retox, to jails, cults, institutions, near-death experiences and the Democratic Party, Hollywood, Interrupted takes readers on a surreal field trip into the amoral belly of the entertainment industry. Each chapter m- covering topics including warped Hollywood child-rearing, bad medicine, hypocritical political maneuvering and the complicit media m- delivers a meticulously researched, interview-infused, attitude heavy dispatch which analyzes and deconstructs the myths created by the celebrities themselves.Celebrities somehow believe that it's their god-given right to inflict their pathology on the rest of us. Hollywood, Interrupted illustrates how these dysfunctional dilettantes are mad as hell... And we're not going to take it any more.
Acknowledgments.Introduction.PART I: IT&-S A FAMILY AFFAIR.1. Hollywood Family Values: A New Weird Order.Hollywood families exposed for not only not upholding family values but pissing all over middle-class mores. Rethinking the life and death of River Phoenix. Familial implosions exposed. It&-s gotten so bad we argue for sterilization of the celebrity class.2. In Loco Parentis: Hollywood Nannies.Hollywood nannies speak out and tell all&-&"There is no laughter in this house.&" Nannies so stressed they&-ve formed a Beverly Hills support group. A nanny gets blacklisted.3. Hollyweird High.Inside Crossroads School for the Arts Sciences, where Hollywood elite send their children, and we find, like any other school in the Western world, sex, drugs, and rock-n-roll. Unlike other high schools, we also discover Crossdressing Day, Ménage à Prom, death, and a mandatory pseudo-therapeutic program called &"Mysteries.&"PART II: FEAR AND LOATHING IN LOS ANGELES.4. Screwball Tragedy.Hollywood&-s strange history with insanity, drugs, and therapy.5. Doctor Feelgoods.Not feeling so hot? Call the doctor. Top Gun producer overdoses. Winona&-s Dr. Feelgood loses his license. Oliver Stone signs a medic. Lily-livered Hollywood &"heppers,&" including Stripperella, try anything.6. From Rehab to Retox.Rehab centers to the stars get visits from Matthew Perry, Robert Downey Jr., Ben Affleck, among others. Celeb rehab spas offer a panoply of treatment programs from equine therapy to brain wave analysis. Not on the menu&-sex in the bathroom.PART III: THE BELIEVERS.7. Karma Chameleons.Madonna and friends converge on Kabbalah. Hollywood cults run amok. Established religion is evil.8. Shilling for Scientology: I Want Your Body&-Thetans.Scientology rocks!PART IV: CALIFORNICATION.9. Sex in This City.The pornification of America. There’

&"Literary assassinations don&-t come any more vitriolic than Hollywood Interrupted…fascinating stories and explosive revelations…&" (Daily Record, 24 April 2004)&"… capitalises on our base interest in the more scandalous antics of the showbusiness elite…&" (Birmingham Post, 17 April 2004)&"…makes for a riveting read.&" (Hotdog, May 2004)"...a wildly... entertaining jeremiad against the entertainment industry...against the perverts, flakes, egomaniacs, junkies, bullies and criminals..." (Rick McGinnis/Metro Toronto)&"…lifts the lid on some of Tinseltown&-s weirdest and most notorious celebrities…&" (Western Daily Press, 3 April 2004)"...the industry has never been without a scandal, as this jaw-dropping book reveals..." (Hot Stars, 3 April 2004)ANY ENTERTAINMENT hack worth his saltpeter understands that he is compromised - effectively neutered from word one . . . in toto, entertainment journalists are disgruntled; they are professionally castrated. And to top it off, these masochists are in turn, castigated and hated by the stars they've just fluffed up."So write Andrew Breitbart and Mark Ebner in "Hollywood Interrupted." Hmmm . . . interesting point. As a lowly gossip columnist myself, I'd say the authors hit the nail on the head.This book, which will land on the best-seller list next week, is an unabashedly right-wing, conservative one-note samba on celebrity culture. Is it the truth? Sure - from the authors' point of view, but with no balance. All stars are the devil here. I can't say I enjoyed this one; it's tone is often nasty and even petty - "the aging actress" . . . "the portly actor . . . " But as an antidote to much of what passes for entertainment coverage - or even this column - "Hollywood Interrupted" has appeal and certainly it has shock value. After a while, however, shocks lose i


저자(글) Andrew Breitbart

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ANDREW BREITBART has played the low-key online sidekick to Matt Drudge on the infamous Drudge Report for six years and is a regular commentator on Fox News, CNBC's Dennis Miller show, and talk radio. His writing has appeared in the Wall Street Journal, National Review Online, Human events, and the New York Post, among others, and he has worked as a researcher for Arianna Huffington.MARK EBNER is an award-winning investigative journalist who has covered all aspects of celebrity culture for Spy, Rolling Stone, Details, Los Angeles magazine, Premiere, Salon, Spin, and New Times, among others. He has produced for and/or appeared as a journalist-commentator on NBC, FOX, MSNBC, AE, FX, Court TV, and E! Entertainment Television. Ebner is currently serving as staff reporter for American Media, Inc.

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