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Teaching Psychiatry

Linda Gask 지음

2011년 04월 08일 출간

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이 상품이 속한 분야

In psychiatry, as in all of medicine, clinicians are frequently involved in training students and residents yet few have themselves been trained in pedagogy.Improving the quality of psychiatric education should both improve the quality of psychiatric care and make the profession more attractive to medical students. Written by a team of international experts with many years of experience, this comprehensive text takes a globally relevant perspective on providing practical instruction and advice on all aspects of teaching psychiatry. It covers learning from undergraduate and postgraduate level to primary medical and community settings, enabling readers to find solutions to the problems they are facing and become aware of potential issues which they can anticipate and be prepared to address. The book discusses curriculum development using examples from around the world, in order to provide trainees with the basic attitudes, knowledge and skills they require to practise psychiatry.Features:Instruction on developing a curriculum for Residency training, teaching interviewing skills, teaching psychotherapy and using new technologyInnovative ways of engaging medical students in psychiatry and developing their interest in the specialty, including experience with new types of elective and research options and development of roles for students in patient careFocuses throughout on how to teach rather than what to teachIncludes descriptions of workplace-based assessmentsDiscussions of both theoretical and practical perspectives and examples of particular innovations in the field using case studiesPresented in a thoroughly readable and accessible manner, this book is a primary resource for all clinicians involved in teaching psychiatry to medical students and trainees.
Contributors.Foreword.1 Overview: The Need for Improvements in Psychiatric Education (Linda Gask, David Baron and Bulent Coskun).2 Recruitment of Psychiatrists: the Key Role of Education (Cyril H¨oschl and Jon van Niekerk).3 Ethical Issues in Teaching Psychiatry (Driss Moussaoui).4 Developing a Medical Student Curriculum in Psychiatry (Nisha Dogra, Cyril H¨oschl and Driss Moussaoui).5 Teaching Behavioural Sciences (Bulent Coskun).6 Problem-Based Learning and Psychiatric Education (Raja Vellingiri Badrakalimuthu, Rob van Diest, Maarten Bak and Hugo de Waal).7 Psychiatric Residency Curriculum: Development and Evaluation (Amanda B. Mackey and Allan Tasman).8 Acquisition of Psychiatric Interviewing Skills (Linda Gask).9 Teaching Psychotherapy in the Classroom and in Supervision (Glen O. Gabbard).10 Teaching Psychotherapy: Case Discussion Groups (Mark Oliver Evans).11 Teaching Research Methods: 'Doing Your Own Research' (David P. Goldberg).12 Teaching Psychiatry Students About Cultural Diversity (Nisha Dogra and Niranjan Karnik).13 Teaching Psychiatry in Primary Care (Linda Gask, Bulent Coskun and Rodolfo Fahrer).14 The Standardized Patient (Michael Curtis and David Baron).15 Patients as Teachers: Involving Service Users (Rex Haigh and Kath Lovell).16 Technology for Psychiatric Educators (Sheldon Benjamin and Maria Margariti).17 Assessment in Psychiatric Education (Brian Lunn, Maria R. Corral and Adriana Mihai).18 The Support and Welfare of the Student (Michael F. Myers).19 Psychiatrist Educators (David Baron and Bulent Coskun).Index.

"This book deserves our attention since it covers a very important topic and sheds light on common predicaments of our profession. There are summary tables in each section, which makes it an easy and interesting book to read. This is a bedside book for every psychiatrist who is responsible for educating others, particularly for the ones working in academic settings and training hospitals" (Turkish Journal of Psychiatry, August 2011)"It will be rewarding reading for any psychiatrist interested in education and required reading for medical school psychiatry leads." (The Psychiatrist, August 2011)"Written by experts in psychiatric education, this work addresses the well-understood methods for teaching and learning the practice of psychiatry."& (Doody's, October 2011)&"In this valuable international perspective on teaching psychiatry, Gask (U. of Manchester, UK), Coskun (U. of Kocaeli, Turkey), and Baron (U. of Southern California School of Medicine, Los Angeles, US) advocate improvements in psychiatric education to address the recruitment crisis in the field and help reduce the stigma attached to mental illness even among medical students." (Booknews, April 2011)&


저자(글) Linda Gask

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Linda Gask is Professor of Primary Care Psychiatry jointly appointed in both psychiatry and primary care. She runs the Course in Psychiatry for GP Registrars and also works as a Consultant Psychiatrist in the Primary Care Mental Health Service in Salford. She is the Western EuropeanZonal Representative for the World Psychiatric Association and chairs the Primary Care Network on the Executive Committee of the General and Community Faculty of the Royal College of Psychiatrists.Bulent Coskun is Professor of Psychiatry and has a masters degree in public health. He is a faculty member of the Psychiatry Department and also the Director of Mental Health Research and Training Center at Kocaeli University, Turkey. He had worked as the Director of the Mental Health Department at the Ministry of Health and as a consultant for the World Health Organization at different projects. He is currently the Head of Local Branch of Psychiatric Association of Turkey and the Chair of World Psychiatric Association Section on Education in Psychiatry.David Baron is Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Science and Chief of Psychiatry, University/Norris Hospital in the Keck School of Medicine at the University of Southern California. He is the President of the Group for the Advancement of Psychiatry and a Distinguished Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association, the American College of Neuropsychiatrists, and the American College of Psychiatrists. He is a Section Chair for the World Psychiatric Association and serves on the Psychiatric Education Committee. He has graduate training in medical education and has written 2 books and served on numerous Education Advisory Boards in the US and internationally.

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