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2010년 09월 09일 출간

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Legendary money manager Ken Fisher outlines the most common-and costly-mistakes investors make.Small cap stocks are best for all time. Bunk!A trade deficit is bad for markets. Bunk!Stocks can't rise on high unemployment. Bunk!Many investors think they are safest following widely accepted Wall Street wisdom-but much of Wall Street wisdom isn't so wise. In fact, it can be costly bunk.In Debunkery: Learn It, Do It, and Profit From It-Seeing Through Wall Street's Money-Killing Myths, Ken Fisher-named one of the 30 most influential individuals of the last three decades by Investment Advisor magazine-details why so many investors fail to get the long-term results they desire. The short answer is many investors fail to question if what they believe is true-and are therefore blinded by tradition, biases, ideology, or any number of cognitive errors.Your goal as an investor shouldn't be to be error-free-that's impossible. Rather, to be more successful, you should aim to lower your error rate. Debunkery gets you started by debunking 50 common myths-but that's just the beginning. It also gives you the tools you need to continue to do your own debunkery for the rest of your investing career.
Acknowledgments ixIntroduction: Debunkery Made Easy xiiiPART 1 Basic Bunk to Make You Broke 1Bunk 1 Bonds Are Safer Than Stocks 5Bunk 2 Well-Rested Investors Are Better Investors 9Bunk 3 Retirees Must Be Conservative 13Bunk 4 Age Equals Asset Allocation 17Bunk 5 You Should Expect Average Returns 20Bunk 6 "Capital Preservation and Growth" Is Possible! 23Bunk 7 Trust Your Gut 26Bunk 8 One Big Bear and You&-re Done 30Bunk 9 Make Sure It&-s a Bull Before Diving In 34Bunk 10 Growth Is Best for All Time. No, Value. No, Small Caps 39Bunk 11 A Good Con Artist Is Hard to Spot 44PART 2 Wall Street "Wisdom" 49Bunk 12 Stop-Losses Stop Losses! 51Bunk 13 Covered Calls . . . Gotcha Covered 54Bunk 14 Dollar Cost Averaging&-Lower Risk, Better Returns 57Bunk 15 Variable Annuities Are All Upside, No Downside 60Bunk 16 Equity-Indexed Annuities&-Better Than Normal Annuities 65Bunk 17 Passive Investing Is Easy 68Bunk 18 Do Better With Mutual Funds by Sending Your Spouse on a Shopping Spree 72Bunk 19 Beta Measures Risk 75Bunk 20 Equity Risk Premiums&-Forecasting Future Returns With Ease 80Bunk 21 When the VIX Is High, It's Time to Buy 84Bunk 22 Be Confident on Consumer Confidence 88Bunk 23 All Hail the Mighty Dow! 92PART 3 "Everyone Knows" 99Bunk 24 So Goes January 101Bunk 25 Sell in May 104Bunk 26 Low P/Es Mean Low Risk 107Bunk 27 A Strong Dollar Is Super 112Bunk 28 Don&-t Fight the Fed 116Bunk 29 Interest Pays Dividends 120Bunk 30 Buy a 5% CD for 5% Cash Flow&-Easy! 123Bunk 31 Baby Boomers Retire, World Ends, Etc. 126Bunk 32 Concentrate to Build Wealth 130PART 4 History Lessons 135Bunk 33 Pray for Budget Surpluses 137Bunk 34 High Unemployment Is a Killer 143Bunk 35 With Gold, You&-re Golden 148Bunk 36 Stocks Love Lower Taxes 152Bunk 37 Oil and Stocks Seesaw 158Bunk 38 Swine Flu, SARS, Ebola, a


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KEN FISHER is best known for his prestigious quot;Portfolio Strategyquot; column in Forbes magazine, where his over 25-year tenure of high-profile calls makes him the fourth longest-running columnist in Forbes's 90-plus year history. He is the founder, Chairman, and CEO of Fisher Investments, an independent global money management firm with over $32 billion under management (as of 6/30/10). Fisher is ranked #289 on the 2009 Forbes 400 list of richest Americans, and #721 on the 2010 Forbes Global Billionaire list. In 2010, Investment Advisor magazine named him as one of the 30 most influential individuals of the last three decades. Fisher has authored numerous professional and scholarly articles, including the award-winning article, quot;Cognitive Biases in Market Forecasting,quot; and has published six previous books, including the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal bestsellers, The Only Three Questions That Count, The Ten Roads to Riches, and How to Smell a Rat, all of which are published by Wiley. Fisher has been published, interviewed, and/or written about in many major American, British, and German finance or business periodicals. He has a weekly column in Focus Money, Germany's leading weekly finance and business magazine.LARA HOFFMANS is a content manager at Fisher Investments, a contributing editor of MarketMinder.com, and coauthor of the bestsellers, The Only Three Questions That Count, The Ten Roads to Riches, and How to Smell a Rat.

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