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This I Believe

Dan Gediman 지음

2010년 10월 15일 출간

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이 상품이 속한 분야

Inspiring essays on love shared by men, women, and young people from all walks of lifeIn the 1950's, Edward R. Murrow's radio program, This I Believe, gave voice to the feelings and treasured beliefs of Americans around the country. Fifty years later, the popular update of the series, which now continues on Bob Edwards Weekend on public radio, explores the beliefs that people hold dear today. This book brings together essays on love from ordinary people far and wide whose sentiments and stories will surprise, inspire, and move you.Includes extraordinary essays written by quot;ordinaryquot; Americans on love in its many manifestations-from romantic love and love of family to love of place and love of animalsPaints a compelling portrait of the diverse range of beliefs and experiences related to what is perhaps the most powerful and complex of human emotions-loveBased on the popular This I Believe radio series and thisibelieve.org Web siteBy turns funny and profound, yet always engaging, This I Believe: On Love is a perfect gift to give or to keep.
Introduction.The Love I Choose (Jessica Mercer Zerr).They Built a Family (Laura Chamberlain).A New Kind of Love (Rachel Wegner).In My Father&-s Tears (Lawrence Kessenich).The Beauty of Aging (Debi Knight Kennedy).The Gift of Being (Lorraine Kelly).Gray Hairs and Wrinkles (Fabiola Piña).Love Is Stronger Than Death (Opal Ruth Prater).Come to My Table (Shannon Denney).By Best Friend (Raymond Allinger).Leave the Light On (Marianne Rogowski).How we Love Our Enemies (David Waln).What We Tried to Do (Louise V. Gray).The Most Powerful Medicine (Ross Hays).The Value of Your Life (Jenna Greer).Hand-Knit Socks (Debra Bronow).Deciding to Love Her (Amy Simmons Farber).Love on Four Feet (Sarah Culp Searles).A Walk in the Woods Together (Cindy Lollar).Sam&-s Valentine (Kathy Heffernan).To Dwell in Possibility (Patricia Bennett).Duck Blind Lessons (James Johnson).First Friend (Susan Senator).Amazing Grace (Korinthia& Klein).Love Lives Through Them All (Tanuj Bansal).Brotherly Love (Katie Weiner).Old Love (Jane R. Martin).Pink Moments (Connie Spittler).Love Like a Child (Mary Lineberger).A Death He Freely Accepted (Greg Gatjanis).The Blessings of Step (Janet Jayne).Here&-s to you, Merrie (Jordyn Maeda).God Knows About Sacrifice (Lynne Scott).Love Is a Verb (Sarah Stadler).The Friend That Makes Me Complete (Penny Hagin).A Magical Impact (Jeremy Green).Put on Your Heavy Coat (Ellen Graf).God Is in Her Hand (John Samuel Tieman).A Gift of Unique Beauty (Cynthia Chauhan).Four Sisters in Life and Death (Elynne Chaplik-Aleskow).My Family Tree (Brenda Huff).&"Staying Close&" (Ginny Taylor).Love on Aisle Three (David Wuescher).Swing-shift Kisses (Scott Saalman).The Courage to Let Go (Gale Workman).All the Mothering You Do (Patrice Vecchione).Life Is a Battle (Elliana Grace and Julie Chinitz).Show and Tell (Ann Erik)

In these 60 short essays, men and women of all ages and backgrounds write about love: of a teacher, house, step family, the poor or needy, mountains, and even growing old. While "Love on Aisle Three" is about a small group that gathers round an adorable baby in a cart, several essays explore love not of a person or thing, but an activity like cooking or knitting. In "God Is In Her Hand," John Samuel Tieman writes, "Love is in the hand that crafts, sculpts, sews, caresses, soothes." The most moving pieces examine love tied to a difficult situation. In "The Courage to Let Go," Gale Workman's father, after taking care of her mother for months, finally allows himself to say goodbye. Originally started on Edward R. Murrow's 1950s radio show, this effort to get ordinary citizens to discuss their core values has produced essays that vary greatly in quality and suffer in this form from the absence of a human voice. Still, this anthology beautifully captures our need, and the sacrifices we make, for love. (Dec.) (Publishers Weekly, November 8, 2010)


저자(글) Dan Gediman

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저자 :
Dan Gediman is executive director of This I Believe, Inc., a not-for-profit organization that engages people in writing and sharing essays describing the core values that guide their daily lives. These short statements of belief have been featured on public radio since 2005. Gediman is the coeditor of the New York Times bestseller This I Believe and This I Believe II.John Gregory is editorial director and Mary Jo Gediman is outreach director of This I Believe, Inc.

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