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Depressive Disorders

Helen Herrman 지음

2009년 06월 10일 출간

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이 상품이 속한 분야

Depressive disorders have profound social and economic consequences, owing to the suffering and disability they cause. They often occur together with somatic illness which worsens the prognosis of both. Prevention, detection and optimal treatment of these disorders are therefore of great clinical and economic importance.This edition of the first title in the acclaimed Evidence Experience series from the World Psychiatric Association has been fully revised and features a new section on depression in primary care ~ the main channel for the management of these disorders in countries around the world.The format remains a systematic review of each topic, evaluating published evidence, complemented by up to six commentaries in which experts provide valuable insight gained from clinical experience.All the evidence, systematically reviewed and analysed, in one place.Practical context imparted in expert commentaries from around the world, which were highly popular in the previous edition.Provides an unbiased and reliable reference source for practising psychiatrists and physicians everywhere.Features a new section on the treatment of depression in primary care.Edited by a highly experienced, internationally renowned team.This book will be informative and stimulating reading for everyone working with people with depressive disorders in all countries and settings: psychiatrists, psychologists, primary care physicians and other mental healthcare professionals.Review of the first edition"The discussion papers are excellent. I strongly recommend this masterfully edited book, which remarkably succeeds in combining research evidence and clinical experience. It is probably the most helpful update on depression available today, both for the researcher in mood disorders and the practising clinician." S. Grandi in Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 2000
Review Contributors.Foreword.Preface to Third Edition.Preface to First Edition.1 Diagnosis of Depressive Disorders&(Gordon Parker).1.1 Four Questions and an Alternative&(Sidney Zishook).1.2 The Blurring of Caseness in Depressive Disorders&(Ahmed Okasha).1.3 Fresh Look at Alternatives for Diagnosing Depression&(Santosh K. Chaturvedi).1.4 Severity and Subtypes of Depression&(Jules Angst).1.5 Severe Depression and Melancholia&(William Coryell).1.6 The Need to Functionalise Psychiatric Diagnosis&(Herman M. van Praag).2 Pharmacological Treatment of Major Depressive Disorder: A Review&(George I. Papakostas, Per Bech and Maurizio Fava).2.1 Antidepressants: A Well-Evaluated Class of Medications&(Eugene S. Paykel).2.2 Many Variables Affect Clinical Response&(Chee Hong Ng).2.3 Challenges in Concept and Practice&(Cyril H¨oschl).2.4 The Relevance to Psychiatry in Developing Countries&(R. Srinivasa Murthy).2.5 New Evidence and Caution&(Inna D&-Empaire and Sheldon H. Preskorn).2.6 Specific Actions, Patient Subgroups and Stages of Illness&(Siegfried Kasper).2.7 The French Experience&(Julien D. Guelfi).3 Psychotherapies for Depression in Adults: A Review of Recent Developments&(Michael E. Thase).3.1 The Paradox of Evidence-Based Psychotherapy&(Myrna Weissman).3.2 Incorporating the Insights of Psychotherapy Research in Everyday Practice&(Goiovanni A. Fava).3.3 Psychotherapy for Depressed Patients in Low- and Middle-Income Countries, Particularly in Asia&(Pichet Udomratn).3.4 Research and Synergies across Countries and Cultures&(Lakshmi Vijayakumar).3.5 A Wider Cultural Perspective&(Yu Xin).4 Depressio

Review for 1st Edition:"I strongly recommend this masterfully edited book, which remarkably succeeds in combining research evidence and clinical experience. It is probably the most helpful update on depression available today, both for the researcher in mood disorders and the practising clinician." (Psychotherapy Psychosomatics, Vol 69/5, 2000)


저자(글) Helen Herrman

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Helen Herrman is Professor of Psychiatry at the Orygen Youth Health Research Centre, Department of Psychiatry, The Universityof Melbourne. She is also Director, WHO Collaborating Centre in Mental Health, Melbourne; Secretary for Publications, World Psychiatric Association; and Regional Vice-President Oceania, World Federation for Mental Health.Professor Maj is President of the World Psychiatric Association. Formerly he has been President of the Italian Psychiatric Association (since 2000); President of the Italian Society of Biological Psychiatry (since 1990); Secretary-General of the Association of European Psychiatrists (2001-2002); President of the Association of European Psychiatrists (2002).Norman Sartorius is President of the International Association for the Promotion of Mental Health Programmes. Honorary Fellow of the Royal College of Psychiatrists of the United Kingdom of Great Britain, of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists and of the American College of Psychiatry; Distinguished Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association. Member of the WHO Expert Advisory Panel on Mental Health and Member of WPA Council.

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