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Electromagnetic Foundations of Electrical Engineering


2008년 09월 15일 출간

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이 상품이 속한 분야

The applications of electromagnetic phenomena within electrical engineering have been evolving and progressing at a fast pace. In contrast, the underlying principles have been stable for a long time and are not expected to undergo any changes. It is these electromagnetic field fundamentals that are the subject of discussion in this book with an emphasis on basic principles, concepts and governing laws that apply across the electrical engineering discipline.Electromagnetic Foundations of Electrical Engineering begins with an explanation of Maxwell-s equations, from which the fundamental laws and principles governing the static and time-varying electric and magnetic fields are derived. Results for both slowly- and rapidly-varying electromagnetic field problems are discussed in detail.Key aspects:Offers a project portfolio, with detailed solutions included on the companion website, which draws together aspects from various chapters so as to ensure comprehensive understanding of the fundamentals.Provides end-of-chapter homework problems with a focus on engineering applications.Progresses chapter by chapter to increasingly more challenging topics, allowing the reader to grasp the more simple phenomena and build upon these foundations.Enables the reader to attain a level of competence to subsequently progress to more advanced topics such as electrical machines, power system analysis, electromagnetic compatibility, microwaves and radiation.This book is aimed at electrical engineering students and faculty staff in sub-disciplines as diverse as power and energy systems, circuit theory and telecommunications. It will also appeal to existing electrical engineering professionals with a need for a refresher course in electromagnetic foundations.
PREFACE.To the Electrical Engineer Practitioner.To the Student.To the Instructor.ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS.PROJECT PORTFOLIO.Analysis of a power delivery system.Cylindrical type transmission lines.DC current transducer.Determination of the conductivity of a circular conducting disk.Directional coupler analysis.Ill-defined grounding problems.Induction machine analysis.Line matching technique using an exponential transmission-line section.Linear variable differential transformer.Magnetic actuator and sensor device.Overhead-line protection by ground-wires.Power line carrier communication.Pseudo-balanced three-phase lines.Screened high-voltage three-phase installation.Shielded three-phase cable analysis.Three-route microwave splitter.Transmission-line system with balun transformer for even to odd-mode conversion.Transmission-line system with transformer-stage matching.Two-way loudspeaker analysis.Variable reluctance transformer.PART I: A BRIEF OVERVIEW.INTRODUCTION.CHAPTER 1: BASIC FIELD VECTORS.1.1: The Electric and Magnetic Field Vectors.1.2: Constitutive Relations.1.3: Units and Notation.1.4: Fundamental Concepts of Voltage and Current Intensity.PART II: STATIONARY FIELD PHENOMENA.INTRODUCTION.CHAPTER 2: ELECTROSTATICS.2.1 Fundamental Equations.2.2 Gradient Electric Field, Electric Potential, Voltage, Kirchhoff&-s Voltage Law.2.3 Electric Charge, Electric Displacement Vector.2.4 Dielectric Media, Permittivity, Polarization, Dielectric Strength.2.5 Conductors in Electrostatic Equilibrium.2.6 Application Example (Filament of charge).2.7 Capacitor, Capacitance, Electric Energy.2.8 Application Example (Two-wire transmission line).2.9 Multiple Conductor Systems.2.10 Application Example (Electric coupling in printed circuit boards).2.11 Electric Forces and Torques.2.12 Homework Proposed Problems.CHA

&"Electromagnetic Foundations of Electrical Engineering certainly lives up to its name by providing a very useful treatment of Maxwell&-s equations which should help students understand why they need to learn field theory and how it impacts their jobs and daily life.&" (IEEE Microwave Magazine, June 2009)


저자 :

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J. A. Brand#227;o Faria received his PhD degree and aggregate title in electrical engineering from the Instituto Superior T#233;cnico of the Technical University of Lisbon, where, since 1994, he has been a Full Professor of Electrical Engineering teaching undergraduate and graduate courses in electromagnetics. His teaching activities also include lecturing courses at the Portuguese Air Force Academy.Professor Brand#227;o Faria was a senior scientist with the former Centro de Electrotecnia Te#243;rica e Medidas El#233;ctricas where he served as President from 1994 until 2000. Since 2008, he has been at the recently created CIEEE (Center for Innovation in Electrical Engineering and Energy).Professor Brand#227;o Faria was the recipient of two Honorable Mentions awarded in 1994 and 2007 by the Portuguese State Department of Science and Technology, and by the Technical University of Lisbon, respectively. His areas of interest include electromagnetic field problems, power lines, and wave propagation phenomena in multiconductor transmission lines. He is the author of two books on electrical engineering subjects, namely Optica and Multiconductor Transmission-Line Structures, and has published over 100 technical papers.Professor Brand#227;o Faria is a member of the Editorial Board of the European Transactions on Electrical Power (John Wiley Sons, Ltd) and a senior member of the IEEE.

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