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Flipping Houses For Canadians For Dummies

For Dummies

2010년 05월 13일 출간

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Lay the foundation for successful flipping and bring home the bucksWant to flip houses? This no-nonsense guide gives you the inside scoop on buying, renovating, and selling property, with plenty of time- and money-saving tips to keep you on budget and on schedule. You get savvy strategies for negotiating deals, modernizing for maximum profit, marketing your home, avoiding common blunders, and staying afloat in a slow market.Make money in any market - discover simple guidelines that will help you to profit no matter what the economic climateSecure funding for your flip - explore all your options for the capital you needBuild a budget - understand all the costs you may face and avoid any costly surprisesMaximize your tax savings - get valuable tips on what expenses you can deductFind buried real estate treasures - learn how to spot homes with untapped potential and how to buy homes from foreclosures and tax salesBuy property at the best price - find out negotiation secrets that will add thousands of dollars to your bottom lineRenovate your property for maximum profit - make renovations that add real value to your homeMarket your home - dazzle prospective buyers with through marketing materials and home stagingOpen the book and find:Who you need on your teamHow to determine a realistic resale priceCreative financing optionsWhat questions to ask before you buyHow to buy forecl
Introduction 1Part I: Laying the Foundation for Successful Flipping 7Chapter 1: Wrapping Your Brain Around the Idea of House Flipping 9Chapter 2: Do You Have the Right Stuff for Flipping? 23Chapter 3: Devising an Effective Flipping Strategy 39Chapter 4: Building Your Dream Team 51Part II: Fiddling with the Financials of Property Flipping 67Chapter 5: Guesstimating Your Potential Profit 69Chapter 6: Securing the Funds to Fuel Your Flip 81Chapter 7: Trudging Through Some Taxing Issues 103Part III: House Hunting with an Eye for Flipping 111Chapter 8: Scoping Out a Fertile Neighbourhood 113Chapter 9: Hunting for Houses in Your Target Area 127Chapter 10: Inspecting the Property with an Eye for Rehab 143Chapter 11: The Art of Haggling: Negotiating a Price and Terms 161Chapter 12: Closing In on Foreclosure and Tax Sale Properties 179Part IV: Fixing Up Your Fixer-Upper 195Chapter 13: Prioritizing and Planning Your Renovations 197Chapter 14: Giving Your Property a Quick Makeover 213Chapter 15: Perking Up the Curb Appeal 229Chapter 16: Dazzling the Crowds with Updated Kitchens and Baths 245Chapter 17: Sweating Through Some Moderate Makeovers 261Chapter 18: Reconfi guring Spaces and Other Structural Overhauls 273Part V: Sold! Selling Your Rehabbed Home 287Chapter 19: Marketing Your Home 289Chapter 20: Staging a Successful Showing 301Chapter 21: Negotiating the Sale to Maximize Your Profit 313Part VI: The Part of Tens 325Chapter 22: Ten Signs of a Great House-Flipping Opportunity 327Chapter 23: Ten Renovation Cost-Cutting Strategies 333Chapter 24: Ten Common House-Flipping Blunders 339Chapter 25: Ten Strategies for Surviving a Slow Market 343Index 347


저자(글) Ralph R. Roberts

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Ralph R. Roberts's success in real estate sales is legendary. He has been profi led by the Associated Press, CNN, and Time magazine and has done hundreds of radio interviews. Ralph is a seasoned professional in all areas of house fl ipping, including buying homes, rehabbing, and reselling them quickly and at a handsome profi t. He has penned several successful titles, including Sell It Yourself: Sell Your Home Faster and for More Money Without Using a Broker (Adams Media Corporation), Walk Like a Giant, Sell Like a Madman: America's #1 Salesman Shows You How To Sell Anything (Collins), 52 Weeks of Sales Success: America's #1 Salesman Shows You How To Close Every Deal! (Collins), and REAL WEALTH by investing in REAL ESTATE (Prentice Hall). In Flipping Houses For Dummies, Ralph reveals the tips and tricks he has hammered out and nailed in his over-30-year career.Joe Kraynak is a freelance author who has written and coauthored dozens of books on topics ranging from slam poetry to computer basics. Joe teamed up with Dr. Candida Fink to write his fi rst book in the For Dummies series, Bipolar Disorder For Dummies, where he showcased his talent for translating the complexities of a topic into plain-spoken, practical advice. In Flipping Houses For Dummies, Joe teams up with legendary real estate pro Ralph Roberts to produce the ultimate guide to profi table real estate fl ipping - flipping the right way.Camilla Cornell is a Toronto-based freelance writer and three-time National Magazine Award recipient. Along with two partners, she and her husband have slow-fl ipped two properties (okay, what that means is that they opted for Plan B - rent, then sell!). Camilla is the author of How to Pay Less for Just About Anything (Reader's Digest) and spokesperson for Uniroyal Canada's More Mileage for Your Money campaign offering money-saving tips for Canadian families. This is

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