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The Conscience of a Libertarian


2009년 07월 06일 출간

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이 상품이 속한 분야

Libertarian-conservative solutions to the political, social, economic and tax issues facing the United States from a 2012 Third Party Presidential contender, as well as one of America's leading Tea Party political leadersIn today's uncertain economy, people are growing more and more concerned about their financial future, and looking for common sense, limited government solutions. In The Conscience of a Libertarian: Empowering the Citizen Revolution with God, Guns, Gold Tax Cuts, 2008 Libertarian Party Vice Presidential nominee Wayne Allyn Root presents a passionate case for smaller government; dramatically reduced spending and taxes; States' Rights; free markets; adherence to the Constitution; an end to the Fed; a ban of bailouts, stimulus, earmarks, pork and corporate welfare; economic and personal freedom; and a return of power to the people, just as the Founding Fathers intended. The bookExplains why Obama's big government solutions are leading to a Great Depression II and a coming Citizen RevolutionProposes a one year quot;Income Tax Vacation,quot; a permanent end to capital gains taxes, and detailed spending freezes and cuts across all levels of governmentProposes dramatic education reform centered on school choice, home-schooling, charter schools, teacher accountability, and parental freedomProposes unique reforms in the areas of health care, energy and the public sector (government employee unions)The Conscience of a Libertarian reveals how Americans can take back their country from big government, big unions, big corporations, corrupt politicians, bureaucrats, lawyers and lobbyists.
Acknowledgments.Publisher's Note.Introduction: Citizen Politician&-Citizen Revolution.Part One: A Revolution Is Brewing.Chapter 1 It's All Familiar: The Journey Begins with Barry Goldwater.Chapter 2 The Libertarian Model: Meet the Original Rebels with Pitchforks.Chapter 3 My Libertarian Awakening.Chapter 4 Republicans and Democrats: Big and Bigger, Dumb and Dumber.Chapter 5 The Battered Voter Syndrome.Chapter 6 The Citizen Revolution: The Army of Rebels with Pitchforks.Chapter 7 God and Government: Be Careful What You Wish For!Part Two: Let's Talk Money&and Politics.Chapter 8 The Nevada Model: Showing America How It's Done!Chapter 9 The Anti-Politician: Why We Need a Small Business Owner in the White House.Chapter 10 The California Nightmare: Why California Leads the Nation in Defi cit, Debt, and Out-Migration.Chapter 11 An Impending Disaster: A Toxic Brew of Big Government, Big Bureaucracy, Big Unions, and Lots of Lawyers!Chapter 12 The Big Auto Bailout Adventure.Chapter 13 Government Employee Unions Gone Wild.Chapter 14 The PSTA&-Private Sector Taxpayers of America: Stoking the Citizen Revolution by Unionizing.Part Three: Solutions for the Mess We Are In.Chapter 15 The Ultimate Spending Solution: Constitutional Impoundment.Chapter 16 Eliminating Federal Taxes and the IRS.Chapter 17 Eradicating Capital Gains: Why do Liberal Politicians Want to Keep Older Americans Working Forever!Chapter 18 Destroying the Fed Before the Fed Destroys Us.Chapter 19 Term Limits: Stopping the Insanity.Chapter 20 The Magnifi cent Seven (Times Two): Putting the Citizen Back in the "Citizen Legislature".Chapter 21 Government in Rehab: Outing Our Little Addiction Problem.Chapter 22 The Greatest Economic Stimulus Plan Ever!Part Four: Protecting and Preserving our Inalienable Civil Liberties.Chapter 23 Welcome to the Nanny States of America!Chapter 24 Ed

"In your heart, you know he's right. Channeling Barry Goldwater for a modern audience, Root does a great job of adapting his mentor's classic for 21st century America. My guess is that the principles of Goldwater, shepherded by Root, will be a benchmark for reform in this age of political and economic crisis."&--Peter Schiff, President, Euro Pacific Capital, Author of Best-Seller "Crash Proof""Root takes no prisoners, leaves no doubt how the disaster came to be; Root names-names but blames both Democrat and Republican administrations for over-spending, inflating the size and reach of government and creating a welfare state that is a form of slavery even as it continues to bleed taxpayers.Root has solutions. To me, he's the only candidate who's articulate, powerful in presentation, and RIGHT. He presents his views with vigor and clarity on every occasion. He comes across great because he speaks truth from the heart, of America, to America, for America."&- Dr. John Hospers, First Libertarian United States Presidential Candidate; Professor Emeritus of Philosophy, University of Southern California"Wayne Allyn Root (WAR) means business. In "The Conscience of a Libertarian," he is declaring WAR on big government, big spending, big taxes, big unions, big business, arrogant career politicians, lawyers, lobbyists, and the media elite. What a refreshing change to read the words and ideas of a small businessman, homeschool dad, son of a butcher, and citizen statesman. This book is a must read for libertarians, conservatives, disillusioned Republicans, independents, and anyone who wants to cut the size and scope of government dramatically, and return power to individuals. Instead of just criticisms, Wayne provides common-sense solutions for limited government, economic and personal freedom, and protecting our Constitution. I can feel our Founding Fathers looking down and smiling."&--Judge Andrew P. Napolitano, Fox News Ch


저자(글) Wayne Allyn Root

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Wayne Allyn Root is a proud Reagan Libertarian. He is considered one of the most charismatic, passionate, fiery, and outspoken political personalities in America today. In 2008, Root was the Libertarian Party Vice Presidential nominee. Today, he serves as Chairman of the Libertarian National Congressional Committee and as an elected member of the Libertarian National Committee (LNC). Root is a frequent guest on Fox News, Fox Business, and hundreds of radio shows. He is a columnist for Newsmax.com and the Las Vegas Review Journal. His Web sites include: www.ROOTforAmerica.com and www.ROOTofSuccess.com.

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