Video Games and Creativity
2015년 08월 21일 출간
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이 상품이 속한 분야
Creativity has been measured in a variety of ways in music, art, and increasingly in technology. The level of realism, high-resolution graphics, and interactivity in contemporary video games have become benchmarks for modern-day creativity. Creativity plays a critical role in the game development process, and also extends to the game play experience both for leisure and in educational applications. This book synthesizes current research on creativity as it relates to video games, both from the developer standpoint and user standpoint. Creatively designed games not only result in more user engagement, but increasingly can result in user interest in modifying code, extension of gameplay space outside the game, and creative user strategies for "cheating?? the game.
- Summarizes research relating to creativity and video games
- Incorporates creativity research on both game design and game play
- Discusses physical design, game mechanics, coding, and more
- Investigates how video games may encourage creative problem solving
- Highlights applications of video games for educational purposes
Chapter 1 - Video Games and Creativity: An Introduction
Garo P. Green and James C. Kaufman
Part 1: Creativity and Video Game Play
Chapter 2 - Video Games and Creativity: A Review and Synthesis
Linda A. Jackson and Alex I. Games
Chapter 3 - The Impact of Video Game Play on Human (and Orc) Creativity
Nicholas D. Bowman, Rachel Kowert, and Christopher J. Ferguson
Chapter 4 - Video Games and Malevolent Creativity: Does one thing lead to another?
David H. Cropley
Chapter 5 - Problem Solving through "Cheating" in Video Games
Karla R. Hamlen and Fran C. Blumberg
Chapter 6 - Opportunities and challenges in assessing and supporting creativity in video games
Yoon Jeon Kim and Valerie J. Shute
Chapter 7 - Content, Collaboration and Creativity in Virtual Worlds
Thomas B. Ward
Part 2: Creativity and Video Games in Education
Chapter 8 - Teaching Creativity: Theoretical Models and Applications
Jorge A. Blanco-Herrera, Chris Groves, Annie M. Lewis, & Douglas A. Gentile
Chapter 9 - Teachers designing learning games: impact on creativity
Frederique Frossard, Anna Trifonova, and Mario Barajas
Chapter 10 - Cognitive Brain Training, Video Games, and Creativity
Oshin Vartanian and Erin Beatty
Chapter 11 - Game Narrative, Interactive Fiction, and Storytelling: Creating a "Time for Telling" in the Classroom
Michael F. Young, Stephen T. Slota, Roger Travis, and Beomykyu Choi
Part 3: Creativity and Video Game Development
Chapter 12 - Creating Code Creatively - Automated Discovery of Game Mechanics through Code Generation
Michael Cook
Chapter 13 - Patented Creativity: Reflecting on Videogame Patents
Casey O??Donnell
Chapter 14 - Tension and opportunity: creativity in the video gaming medium
Grant Tavinor
Chapter 15 - Creative interactivity: Customizi
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