Animal Creativity and Innovation
2015년 07월 10일 출간
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이 상품이 속한 분야
Animal Creativity and Innovation is a comprehensive overview of the research and findings associated with animal creativity, including work from both psychologists and animal behaviorists.
Readers will gain a solid understanding of how evolutionary changes have created advantages for humans in relation to problem-solving, how they are able to utilize tools effectively, and the ways in which humans engage successfully in social interaction.
In addition, the book delves into a discussion on how animals display creative tendencies similar to those of humans. Chapters include both discussion and analysis of what research may mean in relation to human creativity.
- Summarizes creativity research relating to animals
- Encompasses tool use, social interaction, and innovation in animals
- Covers neurobiology of cognition, while also discussing how animal creativity relates to human creativity
- Includes informative research from animal behaviorists and psychologists
Chapter 1 - Creativity and Innovation in the Grey Parrot (Psittacus erithacus) - Irene Pepperberg Commentary - Ronald A. Beghetto Chapter 2 - Creativity in the Interaction: The Case of Dog-Human Play - Robert Mitchell Commentary - Jessica Hoffmann Chapter 3 - Exploration Technique and Technical Innovations in Corvids and Parrots - Alice Auersperg Commentary - Beth A. Hennessey, John H. Stathis Chapter 4 - Cetacean Innovation - Janet Mann, Eric Patterson Commentary - Vlad Petre Glaveanu Chapter 5 - Animal Play and the Origins of Creativity - Gordon Burghardt Commentary - Sandra W. Russ Chapter 6 - Ecology, Life History and Creative Life-Styles - Daniel Sol Commentary - Liane Gabora, Apara Ranjan Chapter 7 - The Creative Cerebellum: Insight from Animal and Human Studies - Laura Petrosini, Debora Cutuli, Paola De Bartolo, Daniela Laricchiuta Commentary - Mathias Benedek Chapter 8 - Animal creativity: Cross-Species Studies of Cognition - Kendra S. Knudsen, David S. Kaufman, Stephanie A. White, Alcino J. Silva, David J. Jentsch, Robert M. Bilder Commentary - Oshin Vartanian Chapter 9 - Brain Size and Innovation in Primates - Kevin Laland, Ana Navarette Commentary - Thomas Ward Chapter 10 - Minding the Gap: A Comparative Approach to Studying the Origins of Innovation - Jackie Chappell, Nicola Cutting, Emma C. Tecwyn, Ian A. Apperly, Sarah R. Beck, Susannah K. S. Thorpe Commentary - Roni Reiter-Palmon Chapter 11 - The Mother of Invention? Necessity, Opportunity and the Enablers of Innovation - Phyllis Lee, Antonio C. de A. Moura Commentary - Marie J. C. Forgeard, Eranda Jayawickreme Chapter 12 - How Do They Know What to Do? - Thomas Zentall Commentary - John Baer Chapter 13 - Of Course Animals are Creative - Robert Epstein Commentary - Dean Keith Simonton Chapter 14 - Conservatism vs. Innovation: The Great Ape Story - Josep Call Commentary - Weihua Niu Chapter 15 - How Rehabilitant Orangutans Innovate their Tool Use - Anne Russon, Purwo Kuncoro, Agnes Ferisa Commentary
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