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Principles and Practices of Interconnection Networks


2004년 03월 06일 출간

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이 상품이 속한 분야

One of the greatest challenges faced by designers of digital systems is optimizing the communication and interconnection between system components. Interconnection networks offer an attractive and economical solution to this communication crisis and are fast becoming pervasive in digital systems. Current trends suggest that this communication bottleneck will be even more problematic when designing future generations of machines. Consequently, the anatomy of an interconnection network router and science of interconnection network design will only grow in importance in the coming years.This book offers a detailed and comprehensive presentation of the basic principles of interconnection network design, clearly illustrating them with numerous examples, chapter exercises, and case studies. It incorporates hardware-level descriptions of concepts, allowing a designer to see all the steps of the process from abstract design to concrete implementation.쨌Case studies throughout the book draw on extensive author experience in designing interconnection networks over a period of more than twenty years, providing real world examples of what works, and what doesn't.쨌Tightly couples concepts with implementation costs to facilitate a deeper understanding of the tradeoffs in the design of a practical network.쨌A set of examples and exercises in every chapter help the reader to fully understand all the implications of every design decision.
Chapter 1 Introduction to Interconnection Networks 1.1 Three Questions About Interconnection Networks 1.2 Uses of Interconnection Networks 1.3 Network Basics 1.4 History 1.5 Organization of this Book Chapter 2 A Simple Interconnection Network 2.1 Network Specifications and Constraints 2.2 Topology 2.3 Routing 2.4 Flow Control 2.5 Router Design 2.6 Performance Analysis 2.7 Exercises Chapter 3 Topology Basics 3.1 Nomenclature 3.2 Traffic Patterns 3.3 Performance 3.4 Packaging Cost 3.5 Case Study: The SGI Origin 2000 3.6 Bibliographic Notes 3.7 Exercises Chapter 4 Butterfly Networks 4.1 The Structure of Butterfly Networks 4.2 Isomorphic Butterflies 4.3 Performance and Packaging Cost 4.4 Path Diversity and Extra Stages 4.5 Case Study: The BBN Butterfly 4.6 Bibliographic Notes 4.7 Exercises Chapter 5 Torus Networks 5.1 The Structure of Torus Networks 5.2 Performance 5.3 Building Mesh and Torus Networks 5.4 Express Cubes 5.5 Case Study: The MIT J-Machine 5.6 Bibliographic Notes 5.7 Exercises Chapter 6 Non-Blocking Networks 6.1 Non-Blocking vs. Non-Interfering Networks 6.2 Crossbar Networks 6.3 Clos Networks 6.4 Benes Networks 6.5 Sorting Networks 6.6 Case Study: The Velio VC2002 (Zeus) Grooming Switch 6.7 Bibliographic Notes 6.8 Exercises Chapter 7 Slicing and Dicing 7.1 Concentrators and Distributors 7.2 Slicing and Dicing 7.3 Slicing Multistage Networks 7.4 Case Study: Bit Slicing in the Tiny Tera 7.5 Bibliographic Notes 7.6 Exercises Chapter 8 Routing Basics 8.1 A Routing Example 8.2 Taxonomy of Routing Algorithms 8.3 The Routing Relation 8.4 Deterministic Routing 8.5 Case Study: Dimension-Order Routing in the Cray T3D 8.6 Bibliographic Notes 8.7 Exercises Chapter 9 Oblivious Routing 9.1 Va

Dally and Towles use their combined three decades of experience to create a book that elucidates the theory and practice of computer interconnection networks. On one hand, they derivefundamentals and enumerate design alternatives. On the other, they present numerous case studies and are not afraid to give their experienced opinions on current choices and future trends. This book is a "must buy" for those interested in or designing interconnection networks.-Mark Hill, University of Wisconsin, MadisonThe scholarship of this book is unparalleled in its area. This text is for interconnection networks what Hennessy and Patterson's text is for computer architecture---an authoritative, one-stop source that clearly and methodically explains the more significant concepts. Treatment of the material both in breadth and in depth is very well done...a must read and a slam dunk!-Timothy Mark Pinkston, University of Southern CaliforniaThis book will serve as excellent teaching material, an invaluable research reference, and a very handy supplement for system designers. In addition to documenting and clearly presenting the key research findings, the book's incisive practical treatment is unique. By presenting how actual design constraints impact each facet of interconnection network design, the book deftly ties theoretical findings of the past decades to real systems design. This perspective is critically needed in engineering education.-Li-Shiuan Peh, Princeton UniversityThis book will instantly become a canonical reference in the field of interconnection networks. Prof. Dally's pioneering research dramatically and permanently changed this field by introducing rigorous evaluation techniques and creative solutions to the challenge of high-performance computer system communication. This well-organized textbook will benefit both students and experienced practitioners. The presentation and exercises are a result of y

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